6 Tips for Writing Superheroes

Hullo, friends! As promised, here is the superhero post I talked about when I shared my superhero poem with you last week! Maybe you like superheroes, maybe you like writing, and maybe you want to start writing about superheroes. Just like anything related to writing, this is harder than you might think. While I don’t claim to be an expert on writing about superheroes, I do have quite a bit of experience, and one thing I’ve learned is that writing about superheroes is about way more than just writing about people with crazy abilities.

So here are a few tips from my own experience and what I’ve noticed in other superhero books and movies to help you when you’re creating and writing your heroes (complete with a lot of Marvel gifs).

[This post contains major spoilers (through gifs) for Captain America: Civil War and some minor spoilers for early MCU films. Also, FEELS warning!)

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The Prisoner And His Mother – An Avengers AU Fanfic

Ha! You thought this would be Jen’s interview, didn’t you? Or an extra part? Unfortunately, no. But, fortunately, it’s an Avengers alternate universe fanfic! I don’t want to spoil it… so enjoy! 😀

Five people occupied the Quinjet, flying through the dark night. Natasha Romanoff sat in the front, piloting them to the Helicarrier, her nameless copilot at her side. Tony Stark, in his Iron Man suit, and Steve Rogers, brandishing his shield, monitored the prisoner in the back.

And then there was the prisoner himself. Bound and captured, he looked uncomfortable, but there was still a spark of humor that gave off the impression that he was inwardly laughing at their stupidity. He may have been beaten and caught, but he was still Loki. Nothing would really change that.

Then Loki got an odd look on his face and looked around in surprise. Steve Rogers looked at him as lightning blasted overhead. “What’s wrong? Scared of a little lightning?”

It didn’t happen suddenly, but it happened in a matter of seconds. One moment, the space in between the front of the Quinjet and the back was empty, and, in the next moment, she occupied the space. She faded in gently, silently, bringing the soft breeze of her aura with her. Continue reading

Giveaway Winner And A Few Other Things

Hullo, everyone! In case you missed it, yesterday was my blogiversary!!! *throws confetti and sprinkles* As you may have noticed, I hosted a little giveaway for a PDF copy of my novella, Paralyzed Dreams. And I am here to announce the winner.

But before that, let me tell you how I decided the winner. Because suspense and stalling, of course.

I wrote all the contestants’ names down on slips of paper and then put them into my wonderful Avengers cup.


This is clearly an animation or drawing, not a real cup, but hey, it’s the same as mine. And it’s all I could find.

Then I shook it up…

A lot…

Okay, fine. The winner is…

Claire B.

*throws confetti, glitter, and sprinkles towards Claire* Yay!!! I hope you’ll enjoy!

Now for the “other things” mentioned in the title.

1. THE DEADLINE IS COMING UP FOR THE JUNE CONTEST! Hurry and get your entries in!

2. My friend Daisy over at The Bookish Flower is hosting a contest, too! Hers ends on the eighth, so you’ve got a little more time than for mine. So go check it out!

3. I don’t believe I’ve mentioned it before, but I got a Goodreads account! Go ahead and follow me, friend me, and add my book to your shelves. 😉

And that is all for today, friends! *bows* Until next time!

An Update On Writing And Life (Complete With Memes)

Hello, everyone! I realized that I hadn’t really done a post about writing in a while… so why not.

Lately, school has been horrendous. Especially physics…

"You should see the looks on your faces because you look-ridicul

Drivers’ ed has been pretty time consuming, too.


And no, I haven’t totaled our car. Or even gotten into an accident. Although I did kind of run over a curb and scrape up the bottom of the car… But never mind that. (Those two memes were made by yours truly, the rest aren’t.) But alas, homeschooling. Contrary to popular belief…

really homeschooler




And not all of us sleep in until noon and stay in our pajamas and don’t do any schoolwork.


But besides loads of schoolwork, and co-op…


…there have also been chores…


…and taking care of the dog.


Not my dog. Oh, and music lessons.


Except I play the piano. Then writing.


Sometimes I get distracted by reading, though…

Or coming up with plot twists.


But basically…


That is the hardest part. The funniest part?


So, enough with the memes. For now. My current work in progress has been going pretty slow (hence the next to last meme) but I am currently just over ninety pages, which makes it the longest story I’ve ever written. You may have noticed that I adjusted my word count goal on the sidebar. That’s mostly because it is certainly not going to be 60,000 words. It’s around 25,ooo words right now (amazing for me!) and it’ll probably be around 30,000 words/100 pages when I finish.

I know I said enough with the memes, but this one (made by me from this song) pretty much sums everything up.


Hope you’ve enjoyed this and laughed along the way! 😀