Welcome, Agent | A Blogiversary Role Play Game

*throws confetti* Guess who’s blogiversary it is? Answer: miiiine! Actually, it was Tuesday, but I wasn’t able to finish the post in time. So you get it two days late! I wanted my second blogiversary post to be both creative and interactive, and this is what I came up with. Enjoy!!!


You are an agent of IDIA. Please find a spare sheet of paper and write down a superpower of your choice. Then come up with a one or two syllable code name. If you can’t think of one, comment below and ask for help from others and myself! You don’t need a code name or a superpower to continue, but why not? 🙂

Welcome, Agent. Today I, Database, and IDIA have a desperate need for you. Several movie villains have found their ways into the posts and pages of this blog, and we need your help to weed them out. We only have a small bit of information on each of these, but you can use that info to find their hiding spots.

Loki: He’s full of himself, so you might find him in a spot where his name is on a tower…

Smaug: Sometimes dragons flock to other dragons, even if they’re from different books (not ones by me!).

Red Skull: He’s from the 1940s, so he might go someplace to revenge himself on an old friend, maybe with the White Witch by his side.

Kylo Ren: One of the newest villains on the scene, but his roots go way, way back.

Do us proud,


And there you have it! Use those smart brains and superpowers of yours to figure out where these guys are hiding, then comment down below with what your superpower was and a clue to where one of the baddies is hiding. If you want to add a few extra red herrings, go for it! Enjoy, my friends!

The Prisoner And His Mother – An Avengers AU Fanfic

Ha! You thought this would be Jen’s interview, didn’t you? Or an extra part? Unfortunately, no. But, fortunately, it’s an Avengers alternate universe fanfic! I don’t want to spoil it… so enjoy! 😀

Five people occupied the Quinjet, flying through the dark night. Natasha Romanoff sat in the front, piloting them to the Helicarrier, her nameless copilot at her side. Tony Stark, in his Iron Man suit, and Steve Rogers, brandishing his shield, monitored the prisoner in the back.

And then there was the prisoner himself. Bound and captured, he looked uncomfortable, but there was still a spark of humor that gave off the impression that he was inwardly laughing at their stupidity. He may have been beaten and caught, but he was still Loki. Nothing would really change that.

Then Loki got an odd look on his face and looked around in surprise. Steve Rogers looked at him as lightning blasted overhead. “What’s wrong? Scared of a little lightning?”

It didn’t happen suddenly, but it happened in a matter of seconds. One moment, the space in between the front of the Quinjet and the back was empty, and, in the next moment, she occupied the space. She faded in gently, silently, bringing the soft breeze of her aura with her. Continue reading

Avengers’ Isle: The Consultant

Hullo, everyone! It’s been coming for a while (and been delayed at least a month), but sadly, this is the last episode of Avengers’ Isle! 😦 Well, let’s see how this thing ends… For past Avengers’ Isle posts, click here.

“I want a full explanation,” Fury said.

Steve sighed and settled into a seat on the Quinjet. Bucky sat down next to him, and the others found places to sit or stand. Natasha was in the pilot’s seat, and she had reluctantly agreed to let Tony be her co-pilot. Somehow Thor and Bucky had managed to shove Red Skull’s limp form into an overhead compartment. Agent Barton was latched into one of the seats, his head lolling to the side since he was still unconscious. All Steve wanted to do was talk to Bucky, but that wouldn’t be possible until Fury’s fierce interrogation was over.

Bucky rolled his eyes towards Steve, who struggled to hide his smile. “Would you like an info dump, Director?” he asked politely.

Fury scowled. “How come I don’t know about you, if you really are an agent?”

“Agent Coulson is the one who picked me up. I don’t know why he wouldn’t tell you.” Bucky shrugged. “It wasn’t in my job description to question his decisions.”

Fury’s eyes lit up in understanding. “Ah, so you’re his consultant. Now everything makes sense.”

“Hey, I’m the Consultant,” Tony protested, twisting around.

Natasha smacked him. “Pay attention.”

Fury rolled his eyes. “Tony, you’re the consultant that nobody wants to consult.”

Thor leaned forward in his seat. “I do not understand.”

Fury sighed. “We needed someone unofficial to use on missions where we needed to do things… not quite by the rules. Coulson said he had a consultant he could use. For security reasons, I never met the agent, and Coulson never told me about him. Coulson was our go-between.”

Steve thought of the agent. Sadness welled up as he realized that he’d probably never get to sign those antique Captain America cards. They were probably at the bottom of the ocean.

But if Loki could survive after being in a glass nearly-unbreakable prison in the Helicarrier, surely Agent Coulson and the others could have made it out. Right?

“Why did my magic not work?” Loki asked, breaking his silence. He’d been surprisingly cooperative, but Steve couldn’t help but be wary of him. It was only about a week since the incident in Germany.

Bucky shrugged. “I’m not technology expert, but he used some sort of force field… thing… to protect the island.”

Thor leaned forward. “So now that we are not in the clutches of the island, I will be able to call Mjolnir again?”

Not while we’re on the jet!” Natasha yelled.

They landed in New York, right on top of Stark Tower, in spite of Tony’s grumbling. Thor called for his hammer, Tony yelled to JARVIS, and Steve helped Bucky drag Hawkeye out of the jet. Fury contacted SHIELD headquarters – made easier by JARVIS – and smiled after a little bit of talking. Steve couldn’t hear what was said, but he assumed it was good news. They headed down through the tower to ground level, where another quinjet landed. Steve was pleased when he saw Agent Coulson from the helicarrier. He gave Fury a warm smile and a handshake. “I’m glad to see you’re alive, sir.”

“You as well,” Fury said, the edge of his mouth turning up slightly. Then he looked solemn once more. “Hill?”

Coulson nodded. “Alive as ever.”

Controlled chaos ensued as several agents removed Red Skull. Thor convinced Loki of their need to return to Asgard, and after a last farewell (and a surprisingly emotional goodbye between Loki and Tony), they departed. Agent Barton finally regained consciousness, and although he was a little woozy, he got onto the quinjet, with help from Natasha . Fury and Coulson joined them, although Coulson reminded Bucky that he would need to report later. Dr. Banner looked lost, until Tony invited him inside to his lab.

That left only Steve and Bucky. Steve looked at his old friend, so different now. “Want to walk to my apartment with me?” Steve asked.

Bucky nodded, and they strode off down the familiar unfamiliar streets. They walked in silence, but not uncomfortable silence. They paused several times to look at what might have been familiar places. They reached Steve’s apartment too soon, and Steve lingered out front with Bucky.

“Coffee sometime?” Bucky asked. Steve could only nod as emotion welled in his throat. His friend reached over and grasped his shoulder.

“On the beach…” Steve swallowed. Dry throat. “The trail mix… was that you?”

Bucky nodded, and his lips twitched in a smiled. “I kind of stole it from the Director.”

Steve felt a smile come out in spite of himself. And then he was laughing. Soon Bucky was laughing too. Somehow, they managed to stop, and Steve blinked at his old friend. Just like old times.

And that, my friends is the end. If you’d like to cry, I have plenty of Kleenex, and if you want to bash me over the head, I also have frying pans. And apples, if anyone would like those. (Not you, Maximus!) Thoughts? Questions? Senseless blabbering? Comment away!

Avengers’ Isle: Together At Last


Hullo! I totally forgot to post this picture with last week’s episode, made in partnership with myself and writefury! Okay, I confess, all I did was the text. She did all the hard work. 😉 No, I still haven’t seen Age of Ultron. But I did watch one of the trailers again, but with a little twist. XD Okay, back to business. DID YOU NOT LOVE LAST WEEK’S REVEAL? If you need to get caught up, see past posts here.

Tony frowned. He had no idea who this guy was, but he sure didn’t seem like a SHIELD agent. Not that he cared. He was just glad everyone was alive. Well, almost everyone.

He bent down and picked up the red, white, and blue shield reverently. He and Cap hardly ever saw eye-to-eye – scratch that, never – but Cap had been the best man Tony had ever known. And Tony’s last words to the soldier had been angry. How could Cap have been the only one not to make it?

“Tony?” Natasha placed a hand on Tony’s shoulder, startling him out of his thoughts. Loki was untying Thor, and the two were deep in conversation. The others were gathering where Tony was.

“He was a good man,” Tony said, tapping the shield lightly. Natasha nodded in agreement. Banner looked sad. Tony held out his hand and they shook hands. Science buddies back together again. Tony looked over at the guy with the metal arm, Bucky, who was grinning. “What?” Tony asked, frowning. “This isn’t a joke.”

“Not to you,” Bucky said, trying to make his face serious, but his mouth kept twitching. He took the shield from Tony and laid it on the ground. He slammed his metal fist into it, and the sound rang loud through the forest, making the two Asgardians jump in surprise.

“What in the world do you think you’re doing?” Tony snapped, lunging for the shield.

Bucky pulled it out of his reach. They heard approaching footsteps, running at a ridiculous speed. “I thought that would be loud enough to get his attention,” Bucky said, running a finger along the edge of the shield.

Steve Rogers slid to a stop at the edge of the circle. He was barely breathing hard as he looked around. “Well,” he said. “And here I came to rescue Thor.” Then he caught sight of Bucky. “Bucky, I–”

“No time,” Bucky said quietly. “We should get out of here while we’ve got the chance.” He glanced over at Red Skull. “I think he’s gone – for good – but we should bring him with us anyway. And Barton.”

“I want a full report and explanation,” Fury said firmly, staring Bucky down.

“As soon as we’re out of here,” Bucky replied, staring back at him.

They gathered up all of weapons they might need, although Bucky said that the natives would be glad to see them leaving. Bucky picked up Barton, and Thor picked up Red Skull. Bucky led the way through the forest, towards the center of the island.

“So, do you have a boat or something?” Tony asked skeptically, nearly tripping over a tree root.

“Something,” Bucky grunted, barely managing to keep Barton from hitting his head on a tree.

“What kind of something is it?” Tony pestered him.

“You’ll see,” Bucky said. “Unless you keep asking questions.”

Tony shut his mouth and drifted to the back of the line with Thor, Loki, and panting Banner. He couldn’t believe how easy it was for Natasha and Rogers to make it through the thick undergrowth. Even Fury was handling it easily.

They stepped into a huge, empty clearing. Tony gazed around at the circle of green grass, then up at the bright blue sky. “So what now? We wait for a helicopter to pick us up?”

Bucky handed Barton to Steve and pulled a remote looking thing out of his pocket. He pressed a button on it, and right before their eyes, a Quinjet appeared. Tony sighed when he realized it had been cloaked. That was most assuredly cheating.

Bucky turned to Natasha. “It’s all yours.”

Yay! Looks like we’re on our way to a happy ending, finally! But they’re not safe yet… Like for a bag of trail mix, comment for a piece of (late) Tony Stark birthday cake! (It’s not too stale yet…)

Avengers’ Isle: Cognitive Recalibration

Hullo, everyone! I apologize for missing… two weeks? of posts. BUT… it’s a good thing I did, otherwise, well… this wouldn’t have come. I was planning a completely different plot twist, BUT THIS HAS ME SQUEALING AND SUFFOCATING WITH HAPPINESS. (*wink wink*) Just remember this is an alternate universe, so have of the first Avengers movie hasn’t happened, and neither have Thor 2, Cap 2, and Avengers 2. Just a reminder… Carry on, now. New? Read past posts here.

A moan escaped Natasha as she opened her eyes slowly. Her vision came into focus, and her breath caught in her throat. Clint. He stood with two others in the center of the clearing. She was pretty sure that the guy with the red skull was Red Skull, and the other guy looked familiar, although she couldn’t place him. She closed her eyes and did a mental assessment. No broken bones, but her right temple was throbbing and she felt a little woozy. She could feel some dried blood caked on the right side of her face, probably from when she fell. She was tied to a tree, judging from the rough bark.

“Glad you’re awake, Romanoff,” Fury’s voice came from nearby. Natasha opened her eyes and saw that he was tied to a tree near her, Banner on his other side. She turned her head to the right and saw Thor, who was grumbling to himself and tugging on his ropes.

“Barton brought you in,” Banner said, shifting a little in his ropes. “We’re weaponless and outnumbered.”

“And Hulkless?” Natasha asked, lifting an eyebrow. Banner nodded. “This seems like quite a predicament.”

A noise close behind her tree made Natasha try to turn her head unsuccessfully. Something flew into the clearing, straight into Red Skull, knocking him back into a tree. His head hit the bark and he crumpled. Clint leapt into action, an arrow on his bow as his eyes scanned the forest. Natasha gasped as she saw what had hit Red Skull. Roger’s shield. He’s alive.

“I believe you said it would come back to us,” a voice whispered harshly behind her tree.

“I don’t know how he does it!” another voice growled back.

Natasha moaned. Tony and Loki. How had they gotten ahold of Cap’s shield? Barton crept slowly towards them, but with a sudden “oomph” he stumbled to the ground. Bucky stood behind him and relaxed his metal arm, then pulled out a knife and made his way over to Natasha. “He’ll be okay in a minute,” Bucky said. “Cognitive recalibration.”

“Don’t you dare,” Tony said, stepping out and trying to look angry as Bucky approached, but he really looked freaked out. Bucky rolled his eyes and used the knife to start sawing at the ropes.

“You could untie your other friends,” Bucky suggested casually.

Tony looked at him in surprise, then looked behind him. Loki moved into view and shrugged. Natasha frowned at them. “Where’d you get the shield?”

“We found it buried in the sand close to the water,” Tony said, moving over to work on Fury’s ropes with a knife Bucky gave him. “We used it to fight off the walking trees.” He shuddered.

“The what?” Banner said, frowning.

“Mechanical,” Bucky said. “And I put the shield there. You guys really should have left a guard, you know.”

Fury looked just as surprised as Natasha felt. “Why are you helping us?” Fury asked suspiciously.

Bucky straightened as Natasha’ ropes fell away. “SHIELD Agent James Buchanan Barnes, at your service,” he said, bowing.

Yay for the fifteenth Avengers’ Isle post!!! *throws confetti* You know the drill! Like if you want a piece of Avengers’ Isle birthday cake, comment to see Bucky’s SHIELD badge…

Avengers’ Isle: Coming Alive

‘Ello, ev’ryone. In spite of the protests I received from some of you last week, I decided to go ahead and skip Steve and move on to Loki and Tony. I’m sure you won’t mind… If you’re new, I suggest you check out past posts here.

Tony opened his eyes slowly, blinking away sand. If only the dream was true. If only he was back at home, with Pepper and a steak. Or even a Big Mac.

Instead, he was here with Loki and sand. Natasha was a big plus, but…

He sat up. Where was Natasha? He scrambled to his feet, accidentally kicking Loki’s arm as he stood. Loki flew up, ready to tackle Tony, who threw his arms up and scrambled backwards. Loki took a deep breath. “Has no one ever told you not to suddenly wake a sleeping Asgardian?”

Tony ran a hand through his sand-filled hair. “I thought that was just Thor. I now know better. It was completely an accident. Have you seen Natasha?”

Loki rubbed his forehead. “I have not. She may have simply gone for a walk.”

Tony shook his head. “Not after everything that happened.” Although she might be just trying to make them nervous. But she would be crazy if she was doing that. “We should check in the forest, make sure she’s not laying around somewhere, unconscious.”

Loki looked at him skeptically. “Last time we went in the forest, you came out unconscious.”

Tony nodded. “Exactly. Let’s go.”

Tony was pretty sure Loki didn’t follow his reasoning, but he wasn’t sure he understood it himself, so he didn’t bother to explain. They had only gone a little ways when they found a small spot of blood on the forest floor. Loki bent down, studying the leaves. “It seems she was fighting someone.”

Something tapped Tony’s shoulder, and he spun around, distracted. He didn’t see anything, but there was a suspicious looking vine hanging down. He reached out slowly, slowly, and grabbed it. Suddenly it yanked him up off his feet. “Help!” he yelped, grabbing onto a nearby branch for dear life.

Loki yanked on his feet, breaking the vine, and they tumbled into a heap on the forest floor. They scrambled to their feet and dashed madly for the beach.

“What. Was. That?” Tony panted, gazing back at the forest. He froze. One of the trees was moving, coming towards them, like a human slogging through thick, waist-high mud. Another tree started moving, then another.

Loki grabbed Tony’s arm. “I think we should run,” he said calmly.

“I wish I had an axe,” Tony groaned. He stumbled back through the sand and felt his heel hit something hard as it sank into the wet sand. “Hey! Maybe there’s something here. Maybe it’s an axe, or a blowtorch, or something…” He fell to his knees and started digging frantically through the sand.

“The current would prevent anything useful from landing here. We need to–” Loki stopped. Tony slowly pulled his hand away from the object as a wave fully uncovered it. Loki sucked in a breath. “Is that…”

Tony’s voice was quiet. “Cap’s shield.”

Thanks to erinkenobi2893 and sarahtps for both contributing ideas to the post unintentionally. 😉 Like to get a bag of trail mix, comment for shawarma.

Avengers’ Isle: Bird Call

I apologize for not posting an Avengers’ Isle episode last week. I plead life. I also apologize that this section is short, but I must admit, it ends quite well. 🙂

Natasha walked quietly into the forest, avoiding overhanging branches and twigs on the ground. The complete silence around her was making her more edgy than usual, and the dim not-quite-morning light didn’t help. Calm down, she told herself. Nothing was going to happen. Tony was wrong. They were alone.

She knew that was a lie. In fact, she embraced the truth. After all, not being alone was better than strange arrows just randomly flying through the air.

The sound of a bird call made her freeze. It wouldn’t be out of place… except that there had been absolutely no sign of birds on the entire island.

Another bird call echoed through the silent forest, sending a chill down Natasha’s spine. She shouldn’t have wandered into the forest alone. She should have waited for Tony and Loki to wake up. Fun how she wouldn’t mind having Loki by her side right now.

A twig cracked nearby. Natasha began to move slowly back towards the camp. Hopefully there weren’t any more dart shooting people out there. She picked up her pace, moving faster. More twigs cracked, heading in her direction.

Natasha whirled and took off at a dead run, dodging trees and bushes and overhanging plant growth. Footsteps pounded behind her, and she risked a glance behind her.

A tree root seemed to reach out and grab her ankle, sending her flying through the air and thudding to the ground. She could barely see Loki and Tony sleeping on the beach through the trees. She opened her mouth to scream, but a hand clamped over her mouth. She felt a tiny prick on her arm and then went limp.

Mwahaha… A like gets you Fury’s spare eyepatch, a comment gets you Coulson’s vintage Captain America trading cards.

Avengers’ Isle: Not Alone

Hi, everyone! Did you like how last week’s post ended? Thought so… 😉 This weeks may not seem to end on much of a cliffhanger, but I’m pretty sure you guys will be looking forward to next week’s post…

Also, I metioned to writefury in a comment that I will post extra episodes when I reach certain milestones. There are a few you can help with: 10 reviews on Amazon, 50 sales, and 200 followers on here… New? Read past episodes here.

Tony slowly opened his eyes. It took a second for everything to focus, but when it did…

He yelped and began to scramble backwards. Natasha pulled back, just as surprised and embarrassed. Loki wasn’t even trying to hide his smirk. “What were you doing?” Tony exclaimed.

Natasha pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear, sighing in frustration. “It’s called ‘leaning down to inspect the odd welt on Tony’s neck’.” She made a face. “Loki wouldn’t do it.”

Loki snorted. “Of course not. Look what happened.”

At Natasha’s words, Tony reached up and felt the side of his neck. He shuddered as his fingers found the mosquito-bite-like bump. “What happened?” he asked.

“You and Loki went into the forest, and apparently you got poisoned, by a bug or a dart or something. We don’t know,” Natasha said. “You just collapsed, and then Loki brought you back here.” She smirked. “He carried you in his arms, too.”

Tony shot a look at Loki, who avoided his gaze. “Might I suggest that we don’t talk about any of this?”

Natasha nodded wholeheartedly. “What happens on this island, stays on this island.”

Tony smirked and was about to make a snide Vegas-themed comment when Natasha tensed. She turned towards the forest, listening.

The mood immediately darkened. Loki turned in that direction, too. Tony hadn’t heard anything, but clearly both of his companions had. The noise wasn’t repeated, and Natasha relaxed slightly. She turned back to Tony and opened her mouth to speak. There was a whizzing sound and a thud as an arrow burrowed into the sand next to Tony.

They stared at the arrow in silence for a second. “Clint,” Natasha breathed. She whirled to face Loki, her nose inches from his face. “What–”

“I have no control over him now,” Loki said evenly, not even flinching. “My magic is gone.”

Natasha growled, and Tony thought about how glad he was that he wasn’t on the receiving end of her fury. “How do we know that for sure? You’re a liar.”

Loki shrugged, a smirk crossing his face. “Do you think that I would be on this island if I still had my magic.” Natasha hesitated, then made a grumpy face and stepped back. “Besides,” Loki continued, “it’s most likely not Hawkeye. I believe his plane went down with the helicarrier. And if he was shooting at you, he would have hit his mark.”

Tony looked over at the arrow. “One thing’s for sure. We’re definitely not alone.”

A like lets you keep the arrow, a comment lets you find the archer… (in a couple weeks, of course)

I Can Hear The Deadline A-Comin’, It’s Comin’ ‘Round The Bend…

Hello, everyone!


As you may (or may not) know, the deadline for the Super-Duper Fan Fiction Crossover Challenge is quickly approaching. There’s only one week left for you to submit your entries!

If you haven’t started yet, there’s still plenty of time! It doesn’t take very long, especially if you already have an idea. I wrote Pevensie, my Captain America/Chronicles of Narnia crossover, in about half an hour, maybe less. And if you don’t have an idea…





Wait, what? Maybe not...

Wait, what? Maybe not…

What if Thor was a baby sitter?

What if Thor was a baby sitter?

Oh the feels...

Oh the feels…




Now that we’ve got that over with, let me get to the point of this post. To help you get your writing shoes one, all of tomorrow will be an ongoing word war! Here are the rules.

  1. Write for 30 minutes.
  2. Figure out your word count.
  3. Post the word count in the comments below.
  4. Repeat as many times as you want!

No prizes… this is just a fun way to motivate you to write! 🙂

Avengers’ Isle: Common Sense

Hello, everyone! I’m so grateful for all of your amazing comments! I’m amazed by how much everyone likes this. And it’s good to know that you’re liking the cliffhangers too…

New? Check out past episodes.

Why did guys always have to be so difficult? Natasha growled and tightened her ponytail band. She hated wearing her hair up, but on this dumb island, it was practically necessary.

“But how are we going to eat?” Tony protested. Loki stood to the side, trying to look superior but not able to hide his own concern. “It there’s no food, we’ll – we’ll die!”

Natasha huffed. “I didn’t say there wasn’t any food. I said that I couldn’t find anything. No fish, no birds, no animals.”

“And how is that different?” Tony asked, crossing his arms.

Natasha put her hands on her hips. “Because, genius, there are other things to eat besides meat.” She waved towards the forest. “There’s always plants and things.”

Tony made a face. “Not my food of choice, but if that’s all there is, then let’s get started.” He began to walk towards the forest.

“Good,” Natasha said drily. “Let us know if you find anything poisonous.”

Tony stopped and retraced his steps. “So… maybe not. But can’t we try to find something we recognize?”

Natasha shrugged. “I went through a lot of the surrounding area, but I didn’t see a single plant that looked familiar. Not a single plant. You’d think there would at least be a palm tree or something… but nothing.”

Tony shivered, rubbing his arms. “This is really weird. I don’t like it.”

“You don’t have to like it,” Natasha pointed out. “You just have to deal with it.”

“There’s magic at play here.” Loki’s voice was low. They both turned to him. He waved his hand dismissively. “No, my magic has not come back. I’m just using common sense.”

Tony glared at him. “Are you saying we don’t have common sense?”

Loki tilted his head and gave a small smile. “It does seem to be greatly lacking.”

Tony clenched his fists and stepped up to the Asgardian. “I swear, I–”

Natasha growled and stepped in between them. They were worse than Maximus and Flynn Rider. And she was Rapunzel, trying to keep them from killing each other. Except she certainly was not as patient, naïve, or cheerful. And she hated dresses. “Why don’t you two go look through the forest and see if there’s anything you recognize. Maybe there’s an Asgardian plant or something. Just don’t kill each other or anything.”

The two grumbled their way into the forest, and Natasha closed her eyes and tilted her head back, inhaling deeply. The salty ocean scent smelled pretty good. The only noise was the lapping of the water on the beach. Silence at last. Who knew being on a deserted island could actually be peaceful?

She did a few little things, like gathering more twigs for firewood and – she couldn’t help herself – making a tiny sandcastle. She sighed. Hawkeye would’ve made a sand tower next to her castle. She couldn’t help but wonder if he was okay.

A foot appeared out of nowhere, smushing her sandcastle unknowingly. Natasha leapt to her feet. Loki was fighting back a frown, trying to keep his face neutral. He held Tony in his arms, but set him down in front of Natasha.

The billionaire didn’t move.

A like gets you a hug from Thor, a comment gets you a group hug from all of the Avengers. (Harsh comments get you a “hug” from the Hulk…)