Big Book Award News And Indie E-Con Wrap Up!

Hello, friends! Can you believe that Indie E-Con is already over??? It’s been a crazy, fun week, and I enjoyed every minute of it! If you missed the posts I did, you can still check them out. I’m doing my best to reply to comments, but sometimes the internet doesn’t like me. I was so excited to post about plot twists, Photoshop, and blogging! Don’t forget to check out some of the other authors’ posts. I didn’t get to read all of them, but the ones I did get to read were great!

And you remember how I mentioned the Indie E-Con Book Awards? Well, Twinepathy won two awards! First, it won Best Trip to Space (or Antarctica!), or the Best Sci-fi Award. The second award was the Best Set of Clues, or best mystery. Thank you all so much for your votes!

If you’d like to read more about the future of Indie E-Con, check out this link. And as a final reminder, Twinepathy is on sale for only a few more days, so pick it up while it’s still $0.99!

Thanks so much for your votes in the Book Awards! What was your favorite part of Indie E-Con? Are you excited for next year? Comment down below!

A Week of Fun! (Indie Author E-Con)

Hello, friends! It’s the start of a new week, which means it’s the start of something else, too!

That’s right, the Indie Author E-Con starts today! I’m so excited, and I hope you are, too! I’ve been going through a lot of the pages, and there’s so much! If you’ve created a cosplay picture for Twinepathy or any other indie book, you can add your link on the cosplay page here, and if you have any fanart, you can post a link to it on the fanart page. (Here’s a hint: you can use a dollmaker online to create your favorite characters! This one is super fun, and the site has a ton of different dollmakers!). If you’re a writer, you can join in on the weeklong word war, too!

And I have some cool stuff going on today, too! There’s an awesome Q&A where you can ask me any writing-related question you want, and there is also a post I wrote about plot twists, which you can read here.

Plus, don’t forget to head over and vote on the 2017 Indie Book Awards! Enjoy the Indie E-Con, my friends!

100 Pages, Indie Author E-Con, and Sale!

Hello, everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve actually written a post, but I have big news!

100 pages!!!

Yup, I just hit 28,670 words in the sequel to Twinepathy, which, if you haven’t found out, is titled Lightporter. I’m not far enough along to post a blurb or a snippet, unfortunately. But I have several other things to announce!


First, I’m going to be participating in my first e-conference! From March 20th-24th, Kendra E. Ardnek will be hosting the Indie Author E-Con. There will be tons of awesome blog posts on a bunch of different blogs, and there’s also going to be contests that you can participate in! First, there’s a writing contest, where you can write a story to fit one of the covers. There will be prizes, and if you get Best-Of for the cover, you get that cover! Go check them out and see if any inspire you. There’s even one I made! 🙂

The second Indie Author E-Con event I wanted to tell you about is the fanart and cosplay showcase for Indie books. I’m very excited about this, as it’ll give some of us indie authors a chance to see how much our readers love our books. If you have an idea for fanart or cosplay for Twinepathy or any other indie books, get started on it now! Trust me, it’ll be fun. I might even be doing some for my favorite indie books, if I have time.

And finally, as celebration for hitting a hundred pages in Lightporter, and because of the Indie E-Con…

Twinepathy is going to be on sale until the end of March! If you haven’t picked up a copy of the book yet, this is your chance! Still not sure if you want to buy it? Read some reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. If you want super detailed reviews, I’d suggest Deborah O’Carroll’s review and Christine Smith’s. They both basically wrote their own book about my book, and they’re super entertaining, so go check them out!

I hope you pick up a copy of Twinepathy and join us for the Indie Author E-Con! Comment below with random ideas for Twinepathy fanfiction, fanart, and cosplays for the E-con. I’d love to see your IDIAs!