Lightporter Release Countdown: Chapter One

Hullo, friends! So in preparation for the release of Lightporter, I decided to release the first three chapters of the book here on my blog! I know I said I would post this on Monday, but… I forgot. So for the next three Mondays until the tour starts, you can stop by and read the chapters! If you’re new, you should definitely read Twinepathy first, or you can just try out the second book. Enjoy!

Hello, my name is Albany York, and I never thought I’d see Anvil mowing our lawn. Maybe he makes awesome macadamia nut cookies and “killer” lasagna, but mowing the lawn seems awfully… normal. It just doesn’t seem right for a dangerous secret superhero guy.

Brooklyn and I are supposed to be working on homework, but I’m reading my new favorite book, and she’s staring out the window, daydreaming. That’s unfortunate, because those daydreams keep sneaking their way into my head—one of the cons of having a telepathic connection with your sister. Maddie’s at Keller’s house, since it’s the weekend. I’m in the middle of the climax of my book when Brooklyn straightens, staring out at the yard.

“Albany!” She presses her nose to the glass. “It’s Anvil!”

I look up in surprise. “What?!” My mind immediately starts going over all the terrible reasons he could be here. Did something happen to Maddie? Or Blaze? Or Jen?

“He’s mowing the lawn,” Brooklyn announces, as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. She gets up and heads to the door. “I’m gonna go say hi.”

She’s out the door before I can protest. I go to the window, and sure enough, Anvil’s pushing a rumbling lawn mower across our yard. Not normal at all. More importantly, though, why is he here?

I tramp down the stairs and discover Brooklyn in the kitchen. “What are you doing? I thought you were going to talk to him,” I say.

“I’m making lemonade for him. It’s hot outside,” she replies. By her easygoing attitude, you’d think it was Denver mowing the lawn, not Anvil. I shrug and head outside.

I step out onto the porch and wave to Anvil. He spots me and stops the mower, and I hurry over to talk to him. “What are you doing here?” I ask.

He swipes a hand across his forehead. “I’m mowing your lawn.”

I cross my arms. “Well, duh. But why?”

He looks down at me. “Your mom hired me.”

“Why?” I ask again, getting more frustrated by the second.

“Mission,” Anvil finally says. “Details after I finish.” He nods at the lawn mower, hinting.

I sigh. “Fine. I’ll go help Brooklyn with the lemonade.”

About twenty minutes later, the rumble of the lawn mower stops, and I help Brooklyn carry a pitcher of lemonade and some glasses out onto the porch. Anvil accepts a glass and guzzles it down. “Thanks. It tastes great.”

“You’re welcome!” Brooklyn pours him some more. “I squeezed the lemons myself. I actually experimented with the recipe a little, and added less sugar than usual…”

I clear my throat. “You said something about a mission, Anvil?”

The corner of his mouth twitches in an almost-smile. He pulls an envelope out of his pocket and hands it to me. “Times and details inside. Blaze will be here to pick you up at whatever time.”

I frown. “You don’t know the time?”

Anvil shrugs. “I’m not on this one. I’m just delivering the summons.”

“Hello!” Mom hurries up the walkway and joins us on the porch. “I see you’ve met my daughters, Cade. The lawn looks wonderful.”

Great. I forgot that Mom would know Anvil by his real name, not his IDIA code name. Now I’ll have to remember to call him Cade around Mom and Dad.

Anvil nods at Mom. “Thank you. I’ll start the back in a minute. Your daughters just brought out some lemonade.”

Mom looks at us with a smile. “Good. Come inside when you’re done, Cade, so I can pay you.” She starts to go inside, but I hold out a hand and stop her.

“Mom, I forgot to tell you, we have to study with Blaze later tonight.”

Mom nods slowly, throwing a glance in Anvil’s direction. She knows about IDIA, and so does Anvil, so I could easily say what I really meant: we have an assignment tonight. But Mom doesn’t know that Anvil’s an agent, and Jen stated clearly that our family should only know about me, Brooklyn, Maddie, Blaze, and Jen herself. Understandable. My only complaint is a big one—this means Denver doesn’t know about Ezra.

“All right,” Mom replies. “Let me know how long you’ll be gone, okay?”

I agree, and Mom heads back inside. Anvil finishes his lemonade, gives Brooklyn and me a quick nod, and heads back out to finish the yard. I drag Brooklyn upstairs and pull open the envelope. Because of all the notes we’ve gotten from Blaze about missions in the past three months since we joined IDIA, I’ve learned to recognize his handwriting, and I know instantly this isn’t his. It’s way too elegant.

Jazz and Pop are required for a mission. Please report to Lava Java Café to be picked up by Blaze at three o’clock. Meet me privately when you arrive, as I also have a private mission for you. Do not mention to Blaze. –Data

Jen, of course. I look at Brooklyn, surprised. I’m pretty sure this is the first time that we’ve gotten a note from her. Why doesn’t she want us to tell Blaze about this “private mission”?

“That’s weird,” Brooklyn says with a frown, reading over my shoulder.

I nod. “I guess we’ll figure out what this is all about at three.” Waiting. If anyone ever wants to torture me, that will be the best way to do it.

Brooklyn gives me a look. “Keep in mind it would be best if you didn’t try to find out before then.”

Having a sister who can read your mind—literally and figuratively—is not always beneficial. “The thought didn’t even cross my mind,” I say innocently. But for once, I agree with Brooklyn. I should probably wait. “Don’t worry, I’ll wait.”

I grab my book and flop on my bed, but in spite of how reluctant I was to put it down earlier, now I’m antsy with anticipation, and it’s almost impossible to concentrate. Eventually, I put the book down and force myself to work on homework instead. My mind keeps going over the possibilities, trying to figure out why Jen wants to meet with us privately. It can’t be about the dumpster incident with Blaze last week, since Brooklyn wasn’t involved in that. Sure, there have been a few mishaps since then—maybe more than a few—but I’m able to rule out almost all of them. The only one even mildly possible is the Chipmunk Escapade, and Jen already lectured me about that. The only other reason I can come up with is that Jen has a special, secret mission for us. That theory only makes me more antsy.

Brooklyn makes me wait until it’s almost three before we leave. Anvil’s long gone, and we tell Mom we’re not sure how long we’ll be. I hope we’re home for dinner, because I’m pretty sure I saw Mom’s shrimp scampi recipe on the counter. My favorite kind of seafood ever. But I might have to make a choice: top secret mission or shrimp scampi. Hopefully I don’t have to make that decision.

We head over to the fake Lava Java Café, and since there aren’t any illusions inside, I’m guessing we’re supposed to meet out back. I lead the way into the alley, since Brooklyn hates dark, narrow streets, and I’m surprised to find Maddie waiting by the back door.

“Maddie!” Brooklyn exclaims, going over to her and hugging her. “Aren’t you supposed to be at Keller’s?”

Maddie smiles and wiggles her way out of Brooklyn’s too-tight hug. “I was, but I got a note from Data about a mission. I didn’t know you were coming.” She smiles at me, her eyes bright.

I can’t help but grin back. “We didn’t know you were going to be here, either. Did you get any details?” I really want to ask about the secret meeting with Jen, but I don’t know if I should. Jen only said not to tell Blaze…

Maddie shakes her head. “No, but Data wants to meet with me before.”

Brooklyn looks around and then speaks in a low voice. “Did she tell you not to tell Blaze, either?”

Maddie nods. “Not sure what that’s about.” She taps her mask. “You guys should mask up.”

Blaze appears next to us as Brooklyn and I slip on our masks. He’s frowning, a rare sight for him. Other than that, he looks normal, with his black mask and fudge brown hair. “Ready?”

“Ready as a dragon,” I say with a grin. Blaze said the same thing to me a while back, and I’ve been looking for a chance to use it back to him. But instead of throwing out his patented grin, Blaze just sends me a glare. I put my hands on my hips. “Really? I’ve been waiting to do that for ages. Not even a smirk?”

Blaze sighs. “Ha. Ha. That better?”

“What’s wrong?” Brooklyn asks. “Are you all right?” I can’t tell if she’s concerned or if she’s trying to get more information for our meeting with Jen.

Blaze sighs, running a hand through his hair, which makes it stick out in all directions. “Nothing. I’m just really stressed out, and I’m not in the mood for joking around, okay? So let’s just get you guys to HQ, all right?”

I gape at Blaze. Moody and snappy? That’s something I’d expect from Trav, Blaze’s perpetually frowning teleporter friend, or Anvil, but Blaze? No way. “Since when are you not in the mood for—”

Brooklyn gives me a look, and I close my mouth. Whatever’s going on, I hope it stops soon. I already miss cheerful Blaze. Brooklyn turns to Blaze. “Let’s go, then.”

Oooh, Blaze being grumpy? And a mission! What do you think will happen next? Comment your thoughts below, and make sure to tune in next Saturday to read chapter two!

Also, don’t forget that the sign-ups for Lightporter‘s release tour are still open if you would like to participate!

A Guest Post And Some Links

Hullo, everyone! So now that school’s out for the summer, I’ve been doing my best to get back into a regular blogging schedule, and while I haven’t set an official schedule yet, I thought I’d give you guys a few updates!

First, I got to participate in the Indie e-Con again this year, and I had so much fun! If you missed my post for the Scavenger Hunt, you can see it here, and you can also check out the guest post that Ivy Rose did on my blog! I also got to write a post about Science Superheroes on the Giraffe Crafts blog, which was hosting the Indie e-Con this year. Overall, it was a lot of fun, and I can’t wait for next year!

As I posted earlier this week, Lightporter will be releasing on June 16th, and I’m still looking for people to participate in the release tour! If you’re interested, you can check out this post. You can also check out that link if you would be interested in a review copy.

And speaking of reviewers, fellow author Amanda Tero is releasing a new book, Quest for Leviathan. It’s a historical fiction short story based off of part of the book of Job. I had the pleasure of reading this to review it for the release, and I really enjoyed it! She’s looking for a few more reviewers (she needs three more to hit her goal!), so you should sign up to review it if you’re interested. It’s releasing on June 8th, so you still have lots of time!

So those are the few updates I have for you guys! I also have a surprise coming on Monday, and I can’t wait to share it with you guys, so stay tuned for that! Comment below if you have any questions, and have a great weekend!

Indie e-Con Scavenger Hunt 2018 – Stop #18

Hullo, everyone! I’m very excited to be participating in the Indie eCon again this year! This year, each author is helping with a scavenger hunt that’s taking place on each of our blogs. Today I’m hosting Ivy Rose, as she talks a little about her writing and who she is. Check out each of the blog posts shared today to gather the clues, and submit them for a chance to win a special giveaway! Read to the bottom to find your clue.

Hey there! I’m Ivy, and it’s a pleasure to take part in the Indie eCon this year. I’m the author of The Old River Road: a historical fiction novel based on the life of my ancestors; and Left to Die: a contemporary novella inspired by the adoption of my little sister from China.

As I was trying to write an updated bio for myself last year, I had to drive deep into what themes I consistently touch on in my stories. People what to know what I write about, but what do I write about? Both of my published novels are about normal people. Lots of my unpublished books contain characters leading seemingly normal lives. Writing contemporary novels pretty much screams “normal normal normal” when compared to a genre like fantasy or dystopia.

So what makes my writing different?

It took a lot of thinking, praying, and asking critique partners for their thoughts before I was able to file it down to something that made sense (and would fit into a bio):

My stories are about ordinary people in ordinary places. But they are put in a position to make extraordinary choices.

That theme isn’t something I consciously decided to do. It just kinda happened. I’ve been told by readers that my characters are quite relatable. Though I don’t do that on purpose, it makes sense; the characters don’t feel like they’re anything special. They’re normal. But when put in a position to make an extraordinary decision, guess what? Ordinary becomes extraordinary. Just like in real life.

Finding my writing theme was a process that took a few years. Just when I thought I had it figured out, it didn’t quite seem right. It takes time. Don’t fret if you can’t pinpoint yours just yet…it will come with time.

~Ivy Rose


Bio: Ivy Rose is a young novelist with a passion to create beautiful fiction. Armed with a desire to make scenarios readers can easily relate to, she writes in many genres about ordinary individuals faced with extraordinary choices. Two of her novels have been independently published. As a chronic illness warrior, Ivy eagerly encourages others to find joy no matter what the circumstances. In her free time, she loves dancing, playing music, or enjoying various outdoor activities in the Pacific Northwest.

Blog | YouTube | Instagram


So 4 is your clue for this post! You can check out the full list of posts here, start at the first post on Kandi’s blog, and check out the post I wrote on Sarah Allerding’s blog! Also, don’t forget that sign-ups for Lightporter’s release tour are still open, and I’d love to have more people participating!

Lightporter Release Date (EEEP!) And Release Tour Sign-Ups


It’s been almost two years since Twinepathy released, and work on Lightporter has been pretty slow, but I’ve finally finished my edits, and I now have a release date for you!! *drumroll*

June 16, 2018

I’m so excited to finally be bringing you guys this book! It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here! If you would be able to help out with this release, please fill out the contact form below! And now for the blurb (FINALLY!) and some details!



n. someone who has the ability to manipulate light and can use that ability to teleport

Albany and her twin sister, Brooklyn, have gotten more comfortable in the superhero world. But when Blaze starts acting secretive and weird monsters attack, the girls realize there is more going on that they still don’t know about. Before long, they discover that Blaze is hiding something—or someone. With FOE still hiding in the shadows, the girls must decide who they can trust… before it’s too late.

Important things to know about the blog tour:

  • The tour will last from June 11-16. If you sign up to help, you can post/promote on any (or all) of those days.
  • Starting on June 11th, Lightporter will be up for pre-order for $0.99, and Twinepathy‘s price will go down to $0.99 permanently! After the release (probably about a week after), Lightporter will go up to $2.99, so if you can buy it during the release or right after, you’ll get a lower price.
  • Don’t have a lot of time to participate, but still want to help? No problem! I’ll be providing a pre-written post with a description of the book and links.
  • If you haven’t read Twinepathy yet and don’t know if you would want to help promote Lightporter, ask me about a free PDF review copy of Twinepathy. I’d love to get some more reviews for it!
  • If I receive enough entries, there could be another fanart or fanfiction contest. If you’d be interested, let me know in the comments below! There could be signed paperback copies of Lightporter given away. 😀 If there aren’t enough entries for a contest, but a few people still submit entries, you’ll still get a special thank you, so let me know in the comments if you’d like to participate! (You can see the last contest here.)
  • If you sign up to do a character or an author interview, you must send me your questions by June 1st. This will give me time to answer your questions.
  • Have your own idea for a unique type of post? Let me know in the signup form or in the comments below. I’d love to hear it!

As always, if you have any questions, comment below! You can also share this graphic to get your friends excited about the release.

Click here to fill out the form in a new browser window.

I’m super excited about this release, and I hope you guys are too!! Comment below if you have any questions!