Welcome, Agent | A Blogiversary Role Play Game

*throws confetti* Guess who’s blogiversary it is? Answer: miiiine! Actually, it was Tuesday, but I wasn’t able to finish the post in time. So you get it two days late! I wanted my second blogiversary post to be both creative and interactive, and this is what I came up with. Enjoy!!!


You are an agent of IDIA. Please find a spare sheet of paper and write down a superpower of your choice. Then come up with a one or two syllable code name. If you can’t think of one, comment below and ask for help from others and myself! You don’t need a code name or a superpower to continue, but why not? 🙂

Welcome, Agent. Today I, Database, and IDIA have a desperate need for you. Several movie villains have found their ways into the posts and pages of this blog, and we need your help to weed them out. We only have a small bit of information on each of these, but you can use that info to find their hiding spots.

Loki: He’s full of himself, so you might find him in a spot where his name is on a tower…

Smaug: Sometimes dragons flock to other dragons, even if they’re from different books (not ones by me!).

Red Skull: He’s from the 1940s, so he might go someplace to revenge himself on an old friend, maybe with the White Witch by his side.

Kylo Ren: One of the newest villains on the scene, but his roots go way, way back.

Do us proud,


And there you have it! Use those smart brains and superpowers of yours to figure out where these guys are hiding, then comment down below with what your superpower was and a clue to where one of the baddies is hiding. If you want to add a few extra red herrings, go for it! Enjoy, my friends!

Beautiful People: Albany’s Childhood | Fantastic Friday

Hullo, everyone! I kind of… forgot about posting, didn’t I? Whoops. I was trying to figure out what I could do for a Fantastic Friday post this week, and I had pretty much decided to just wait and do the Monday post I was planning, but then this month’s Beautiful People link-up appeared in my inbox! So why not? I was originally planning to use Anvil for the next Beautiful People, but since this one is a childhood edition, I decided it would be better to use Albany, since Anvil’s would be… not happy. Well, let’s get on with the questions!


  1. What are their first childhood memory? Albany has a lot of vague “first memories,” but the first one that’s actually clear is the first time she and Brooklyn communicated telepathically, which was when they were about three. That was the first time they realized they were doing it, at least. It was a very traumatic moment and consisted of lots confused baby talk in their heads.
  2. What were their best and worst childhood experiences? Her best childhood experience was probably the time she spent with her dad and Denver at a playground for three hours. That’s one of her older memories, but a favorite one. Her worst childhood experience was probably the time she fell off a tall slide, off the side, or any other time when her curiosity got her into trouble.
  3. What was their childhood home like? It was an averaged sized house, but it was an older house, so it had lots of fun nooks and crannies to hide in. It was certainly a happy place, and they were sad to leave it.
  4. What’s something that scared them as child? Albany was absolutely terrified of heights when she was younger. Bugs and snakes she could handle, but put her up on a tall ladder and you would find out how loud she could scream–and how tight she could hold onto something.
  5. Who did they look up to most? Her older Denver, for sure. To her, he was the most awesome person in the world, and she would follow him around everywhere she could. Until he got too cool to have his little sister hanging around him. But he got over that phase pretty quickly.
  6. Favourite and least favourite childhood foods?  I’m not sure she had a least favorite food, but if she did, it would probably be broccoli or something like that. Her favorite food growing up was Mac and Cheese. Any kind, anywhere. Especially if it had breadcrumbs on top.
  7. If they had their childhood again, would they change anything? Albany would probably say no. She loves they way her life is, and she wouldn’t want anything to change that. Plus, she had a really good childhood.
  8. What kind of child were they? Curious? Wild? Quiet? Devious? Heh. Need this even be a question? She was the most curious child on the face of the planet–still is, in fact. She got into trouble quite a bit, and relied on Brooklyn to help her out.
  9. What was their relationship to their parents and siblings like? Albany was close to her parents when she was little, and told them everything (still does, if she can), but she was always closer to Denver and Brooklyn. She and Brooklyn went everywhere together, since they were twins, not to mention they had their telepathic connection. And as I mentioned before, she adored Denver.
  10. What did they want to be when they grew up, and what did they actually become? When Albany was little, she wanted to be a character in a book. Not kidding. Because don’t all bookworms want that at some point? (Don’t tell her, but she got her wish!) There were times when she wanted to be a princess or an elf, and sometimes she decided she wanted to be a spy or a president. Nothing normal, that’s for sure. As of yet, all she’s become is a superhero, so…

I hope you enjoyed getting to learn about Albany’s childhood! She’s an adorable character, and I can’t wait for all of you to read Twinepathy in its full and final form soon!