Forcefield (IDIA #3) Cover Reveal (Eek!)

Hello, friends!! Today’s post has been a long time coming, but I present to you… the cover reveal for IDIA book 3!

I am so excited to finally be sharing this with you guys! Plus, I also have the blurb to reveal! Without further ado, let’s show that cover!!








Albany and Brooklyn York are taking a much-deserved break from IDIA work and
visiting their grandfather’s farm. But even far from the city, they find that they can’t quite escape
their lives with IDIA—or FOE. When the twins find out that someone from FOE has set up shop
in their neighborhood, they decide they need to find out what’s going on with FOE, once and for
all. But when they learn of secrets that rock their world, will they still know who to trust?

Guys, I’m so excited about this! Are you excited about the release of book 3? Do you like the cover? Comment down below to let me know your thoughts, and what you’re most excited to see in Forcefield!

Twinepathy’s Birthday + Forcefield Cover Reveal Signups (!!!)

Hullo, friends! I am so excited about today’s post, but first I must say… It isn’t Tuesday! I have deviated from my new blogging schedule (both accidentally and on purpose) since today is the 4 year anniversary of Twinepathy‘s release. It’s hard to believe it’s been so long! And I’m very excited to announce that IDIA #3 is on it’s way! While I don’t have a release date set quite yet, I am planning a cover reveal for August 4th, and I need your help! There’s a sign-up at the bottom of this post, so if you’re interested in helping out with the cover reveal, please fill out the form.

As for Twinepathy‘s birthday, I give you all virtual cake! 😀

IDIA #3 Current Status:

Name: Forcefield

Pages: 59

Words: 16,599

Cheesy puns: at least 2 (so far…)

Sign-up link:


Are you excited about the cover reveal? I know I am! Can you believe it’s been four years since Twinepathy was released? Comment below with any questions, comments, or concerns, and make sure to share this form with anyone who may want to participate! I hope you’re all as excited about book 3 as I am! 😀 

Tales From The Writer’s Desk: Procrastination and Productivity

Hullo, friends! It’s been a while since I’ve written a Tale From The Writer’s Desk, but I had a lot of fun writing this. This is also a way to announce my new Facebook page, which you can check out here if you don’t feel like reading to the end (I highly recommend you do). It’s basically a way to keep you guys updated on my writing without always having to write a blog post, plus a way to interact more with y’all. So check it out, and enjoy the post, too!

I sat at my desk, flipping through an old folder and frowning at the contents. A superhero retelling of Snow White might be a fun story to start on again. It needed a lot of editing though. I shrugged and set the folder down on top of the terrifyingly-large stack next to my desk labeled To Continue. I groaned. “There is no way I’ll ever get all of these done.”

“Yeah, no kidding!”

I jumped out of my chair, spinning around. My shock quickly turned into annoyance. “Blaze, seriously? Why don’t you ever use the door?”

Blaze grinned and pulled my chair towards him, flopping down in it. “Because I can teleport? Also, Benedict wouldn’t let me in.”

I lifted an eyebrow. “Am I supposed to be surprised by that? I told him not to let anyone disturb me.”

He spun around in my chair, ignoring my comment and my glare. “Yeah, he said you were finally being productive, so I needed to leave you alone.” He turned to face me, and I was shocked to see a serious look on his face instead of his usually teasing grin. “Bri, you need to write and be productive. And I’m not leaving until we get you on track.”

“I was being productive, at least until I was interrupted.” I motioned at the pile of folders next to my desk.

“Sorting through stories isn’t the same as actually working on them.” Blaze stood up and motioned to the chair. “So you’re going to sit here and write while I watch. Albany is working on your reward for when you finally make progress.”

I sat and glared at him suspiciously. “She’s not making cookies or anything, is she?”

Blaze smirked. “Yes, but that’s the punishment for not being productive.”

I immediately turned to my computer, pulled out a folder, and got to work. Before I even knew it, I was in the zone, writing as fast as I could. Who knew that writing was so much easier once you actually got started?

A snort from Blaze brought my attention back to the room. He was peering over my shoulder at my computer screen, and I moved to cover it up. “It’s not ready for anyone to read it yet!”

“That was an awful pun.” He stepped back and sat down in a very fancy armchair that he must have brought while I was writing. “And that’s coming from me.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll work on it. Besides, it’s supposed to be cheesy.”

Blaze shrugged. “At least you were productive. That’s all I can ask for.” He grinned. “That wasn’t so painful, was it?”

I couldn’t help but smile back. “Thanks. I needed a kickstart to get me going.”

“And now you get your reward.” Blaze pushed my spinning chair out of the way and bent over the computer. I watched over his shoulder in confusion as he pulled up Facebook. “Ta-da! Albany and I set up your very own author Facebook page!”

“Really?!” I’d been wanting to start one for a while, but I’d never found the motivation or the time.

He nodded. “Okay, so this way, people can like your page and get updates you post about your books and writing, and–”

“I know how Facebook works,” I interrupted, but I couldn’t keep the grin off my face. “Thanks, Blaze.”

Blaze sat back in his chair, looking like he owned the place. “Glad I could help. Now, please… work on book 3.” With that parting shot, he disappeared.

I grinned at the empty spot, then turned back to my computer and began to type.

I hope you enjoyed that Tale From The Writer’s Desk! Be sure to check out my new Facebook page for more updates on what I’m writing (and maybe Blaze will take over occasionally, too). And if this is your first time meeting Blaze, be sure to check out Twinepathy, which is currently free on Kindle Unlimited! Comment below your thoughts on this story, and let me know what you think Albany was trying to make!

Fan Art And Fanfiction Contest Winners!

Guys, it’s finally time to announce the winners of the IDIA Fan Art And Fanfiction Contest! I didn’t get as many submissions as the first year, but I’m still super excited about the ones I got. It was a really hard decision to make, but I got both fan art and fanfiction. Because only four people submitted, I decided that all of them will receive the bookmarks (yay!!!), but we still have to decide the winners. So let’s see the submissions!


Photo by Deborah O’Carroll

This lovely picture was submitted by Deborah O’Carroll when she received her copy of Lightporter! Isn’t it amazing? It looks so nice with the sky in the background!

Doesn’t this look so cool? This looks like something straight off of the pages of a graphic novel, and I love the touch with the bird mask. It definitely looks like Finch!

Ezra by Elizabeth Michalski

This one is so great! You can tell that it’s Ezra immediately by the purple hair, and the outfit is definitely something she would wear. And on top of that, it’s so well done!

Fiction (You should definitely go read both of these!)

Steel and Shocks: An IDIA-TSS Crossover Fanfic by Sarah Taleweaver

Sarah did an amazing job on this fanfic! The plot is riveting, and all of the characters were in character, too, especially Blaze! It was fun to see the different supers working together.

This is such a sweet fanfic! Marlene does a great job dealing with Finch’s memory loss and his relationship with his girlfriend, not to mention how well she works the songs into the story. It’s such an emotional read!

Let me tell you, these were both really hard decisions to make, and I loved all of the submissions! But it’s time to finally announce the winners…

The Art winner is…

Ezra by Elizabeth Michalski

Elizabeth did such a good job bringing Ezra to life, and she looks ready to go fight some crime! Awesome job!

The Fiction winner is…

Steel and Shocks by Sarah Taleweaver

Sarah did an excellent job bringing all of the characters to life in a fun story, and she managed to get Blaze exactly right! Well done, Sarah!

As I said before, it was sooo hard to make these decisions, which is one of the reasons why this post was so late. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the submissions, and definitely go read both of those fanfics. They’re amazing! If you submitted, I’ll be emailing you shortly about your bookmarks! Thank you so much to everyone who participated!

Lightporter Release Day (Eeep!!!) And New Project Reveal

TODAY IS THE DAY, EVERYONE!!!! After almost two years, Lightporter is finally up for sale! The paperback copy should be up soon, and I may send out an update when that happens. I’m so excited to finally be able to share this book with you! I’m also really excited to be able to tell you about my next project. But first, here are all of the posts from the wonderful people who helped with the blog tour! If you haven’t read their posts, you should definitely go check them out.

Monday, June 11th

Writefury – Character Interview and Lightporter Review

Dreams and Dragons – Twinepathy and Lightporter Reviews

Light and Shadows – Book Spotlight and Author Interview

Tuesday, June 12th

Reading Anyone – Lightporter Review

Jemma – Author Interview

Wednesday, June 13th

Home With Hummingbirds – Character Interview and Book Spotlight

Thursday, June 14th

Ashley Bogner – Author Interview

Faith Blum – Book Spotlight

The Page Dreamer (Deborah O’Carroll) – Lightporter Review

Friday, June 15th

Lights And Shadows – Friday 5s: IDIA Edition

Purely By Faith Reviews – Lightporter Review and Book Spotlight

Saturday, June 16th (Release day!)

Marlene Simonette – Lightporter Review and Book Spotlight

Dreams and Dragons – Character Interview (This one’s really fun!)

Elven Padawan – Lightporter Review

These people were so awesome for helping with the tour! I also posted on here on my blog about the fan art and fan fiction contest, so you should definitely check that out as well! And, of course, don’t forget to check out Lightporter on Amazon.

So because of the release, I thought I would share a little bit about my current writing project on here. Yes, I will be starting on IDIA book 3 soon (I can’t wait!), although I may save that for NaNoWriMo this year, we’ll see. But currently I’m working on a non-IDIA superhero story–Christmas themed! I’m planning to release it in early December of this year if everything goes as planned, and it will either be a short story or a novella. I’m really excited about this new project, and hopefully I’ll have a title reveal coming soon! For now, you can find it on Goodreads.

I want to thank all of you so much for all of your support! You guys are amazing, and I couldn’t have done this without you! I’m working on coming up with a regular blogging schedule so that I can try to keep posting during the school semesters, so if you have any blog posts you’d like to see me write, let me know those ideas in the comments down below! I love to talk to you guys!

IDIA Fan Art And Fan Fiction Contest 2018!

Hullo, everyone! Welcome to day three of the release tour for Lightporter! I’m so excited to be able to do another fan art and fan fiction contest for you guys! The last one was so much fun, and I was so excited to hear that you’re interested in another one. I’ve already heard that some people are work on ideas, so I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with. Here’s the information for the contest!

  • This contest is open to any IDIA-themed creation! Fan fiction, drawings, digital art (that includes quote pictures), costumes, pictures of the book, fanmade covers or book trailers… pretty much anything! If you want to know if something counts, just comment below and ask me.
  • All works must be submitted by June 30th, and the results will be announced on Twinepathy‘s second birthday, July 4th!
  • Please, nothing obscene or inappropriate. Such entries will be immediately disqualified, so please don’t spend your time working on something that would just be disqualified. (If you have questions about this, just ask!)
  • You can submit as many works as you like.
  • Depending on the number of submissions, different categories may or may not be added, and the prizes adjusted accordingly.
  • Speaking of prizes, first place will win a set of IDIA-themed bookmarks! Depending on the number of submissions, I may adjust the prize, but this is my current plan. 😀
  • If you have any questions or concerns, just let me know!

If you want to see some examples, you can check out last year’s contest and the fan art page. Here are some quotes that Sara designed based off of the first chapter of Lightporter!

Aren’t they wonderful?? I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with. So bookmark this page and come up with some IDIAs to submit. 🙂 In the meantime, check out the schedule to read some of the awesome posts that have gone up so far this week!

Click here to submit your fanart, or fill out the form below.

Are you excited for the contest? I know I am! Comment below with your thoughts and ideas, and don’t forget to check out the posts from this week!

Lightporter Release Countdown: Chapter Three And The Tour Starts!

Hullo, everyone! I’m so excited that the tour is finally starting! It’s less than a week until the release of Lightporter, and I’m so excited to finally be able to share it with you! It’s also up for pre-order now, so go check it out! I’ll have a post up soon with details about the fan art and fan fiction contest, but first, the third (and final!) sneak peek chapter! Enjoy!

Check out the bottom for the tour schedule!

The hotel looms before us, not the tallest skyscraper in a place like Chicago, but tall enough. The sky is overcast, causing a foreboding air to rest on the city… or maybe that’s just my imagination. We’re in the shadows close to the hotel.

“Ready?” Blaze whispers. We all nod silently, and he motions for Push to lead. The streets aren’t as busy as they would be in New York or someplace like that, but we have to make sure to follow Push closely and watch out for other pedestrians.

Getting through the doors of the hotel is a little difficult—we don’t want it to look like the door is holding itself open—but Push pretends to drop something in the doorway, which gives us a chance to slip through. The lobby is large, but it doesn’t wow me. Not many things do, architecture-wise, ever since I saw IDIA headquarters for the first time. The floor is shiny, brown wood, or maybe fake wood, and the whole lobby is colored honey and brown. I do my best to walk quietly, without my shoes squeaking, but Push seems to be purposefully squeaking, just to cover up our sounds. I don’t know her very well, but I’m sure glad she’s on this mission with us.

Blaze, Maddie, and I separate from Push as she approaches the front desk with the pictures of Com and the FOE guy. Blaze leads us through an employee door, and we manage to slip in behind a worker. We follow Blaze down a narrow hallway until we find the right door. We wait a while for the hallway to empty in our area, and when the coast is clear, Blaze and I slip into the room, leaving Maddie on guard. It’s a lot smaller than I was expecting. Old file cabinets line one wall, and a desk with three computers on it is on the other wall. The wall opposite is empty, except for a small security camera in the corner. Blaze approaches it, studies the angle, and then walks back. “All clear,” he says softly and motions to the computer.

“Did you set up an illusion for the camera?”

“Yes,” he hisses under his breath. “Get started!”

I wince and slide into one of the chairs. Computers are not my friends, so I’m hoping this’ll be simple. It mostly is. I find the records, thanks to Jen’s tips on where they might be, and I begin to search. My mind’s only half on my task, though, because I’m also trying to think of a way to get Blaze to talk. The computer gives me an error message, and I growl at it. “I wish Jen was here. She could just read the computer and get all the information.”

“She wouldn’t,” Blaze replies. “She won’t touch computers. The information overloads her brain.”

I frown. “What?”

Blaze sighs impatiently and flops down in one of the other desk chairs. “Jen can absorb information from touching any object, right? Same goes for a computer. If she touches it, she gets all of the information on it… but, just like when she touched Brooklyn and found you, if she touches a computer for more than a few seconds, she would get all of the information on the internet, and she’d have access to every computer on the planet that’s connected to the internet. I saw her brush up against a computer once, not enough to fully read it, and she nearly passed out. That’s why she wears gloves whenever she uses a computer.”

“Wow,” I whisper in awe. “That’s nuts.”

Blaze nods. “I know. Now get back to work.”

My chance. I spin around to face him. “What is up with you today? You’ve been snappish, and you’re ‘not in the mood’ for joking around! Since when do you say that? You’ve been acting like a jerk!”

Blaze glares at me, more ferocious than I’ve ever seen him, and I sink back into my chair. But a second later, his expression changes to cool indifference. “I’m under a lot of stress at home, okay? Now’s not a good time for me. Can you handle that for a little while?” The sarcasm on the last sentence stings.

I don’t reply, just turning back to the computer. Behind me, Blaze sighs. “Look, Albany, I want to talk to you about this, but I just can’t. I’m really confused, and I don’t know what I should do, but I need you to trust me, okay?”

I turn around and see him running a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. “Okay,” I say quietly, turning back to the computer again. I complete the search, and little dots circle in the center of the screen while the results load. I tap my foot impatiently on the ground. A moment later, the listing pops up, and I lean forward, reading out loud for Blaze’s benefit. “Our FOE guy was in room 311.” I stop, staring at the screen with wide eyes.

“When did he leave?” Blaze asks, his tone tired.

I turn and look at him. “He hasn’t yet.”

Blaze straightens and comes over to the computer, gazing at the screen. “That’s so weird,” he mutters. “He checked out two weeks ago but checked back in a few days later.”

“And he’s still here,” I say, still trying to wrap my brain around that part. “Why do you think he came back?”

Blaze shrugs. “A change of plans, I guess. Or maybe this means we need to investigate the room.”

“I’m not staying here,” I say immediately.

He gives me a sideways grin. “I didn’t think you would. Let’s get Maddie and go. Tell Brooklyn what’s up.”

I shoot off a telepathic message to Brooklyn as we slip back into the hallway. Absolute silence is required right now, but that doesn’t include Brooklyn’s questions in my brain. I try to keep my answers as clear and concise as possible, knowing Brooklyn is relaying everything to Jen and asking me Jen’s questions. Jen gives us the go-ahead for checking out the room. But Brooklyn affirms that we need to stay invisible and undetected, if possible.

Blaze teleports the three of us outside the hotel room our mystery man is in. He motions towards the door with a nod to me, and then he and Maddie disappear without any explanation at all.

I very much hope he has a plan, because that motion was not enough to explain to me what to do. Burst into the room like a cop? I can’t tell if I’m invisible or not, and either way, it’ll catch the person off guard. But before I can do anything, Blaze reappears, slips a plastic room key card into my hand and disappears again.

“Thanks,” I grumble under my breath. I slip the key into the door, and the click sounds loud to me. I slowly push the door open, then burst into the room like the idiot I am. I open my mouth to yell something threatening, but before I can say anything, I’m looking down the barrel of a gun. So… I freeze instead of yelling freeze.

“What are you…” The ferocious growl dies. “Jazz?” The gun quivers and moves away from my face, but still points in my direction. “What are you doing here?”

My dazed eyes focus on the straight red hair pulled into a firm ponytail. “Keller? You’re…”

“What are you doing here?” Keller asks through gritted teeth.

“Um…” I stumble over my words. “I-I’m… what are… huh?” Keller, Maddie’s much older sister, is in the room that our FOE guy is supposed to be in. And she’s also pointing a gun at me.

She growls, clearly frustrated with me. “You’re here on IDIA business, correct?”

I should probably deny it, but she’s a full telepath. She could easily just peek inside my brain and see the truth. Plus, I’m wearing my mask, so that kind of gives it away. Keller may not be an IDIA agent, but she’s been to IDIA, and she knows at least a bit about the mask stuff. So I just nod. “But… what are you doing here?”

“I’m on personal business,” she replies with narrowed eyes. “And it’s definitely not any of your business. Were you coming after me?”

“I don’t think so….” I say slowly. Most likely she’s not the FOE guy. Unless she manipulated Com’s memories so that Jen would think the person was a guy. But that wouldn’t make any sense at all. Com would have recognized her when she was at IDIA headquarters. And I don’t even know if she can do that.

All of a sudden, Keller’s gun flies out of her hand and across the room. “Dang it, Maddie,” Blaze growls, turning himself and Maddie visible in the corner. Keller whirls around to face them as Blaze picks up the gun and flips something. I don’t know much about guns, but I’m guessing it’s the safety.

Keller calms slightly, now that she sees her sister. “Why are you here?”

Blaze steps forward. “The better question is why are you here?”

She crosses her arms. “I asked first.”

“Don’t mess with him,” I interrupt coolly. “He’s being grumpy today.”

Blaze sends me a glare, then turns back to Keller. “Look, can you just cooperate? This is sort of related to Maddie’s amnesia.”

Keller’s eyebrow arches. “Jen said we wouldn’t be able to get the memories back.”

“We can’t,” Blaze agrees. “Not that I know of. But don’t you want to get at the people who hired Com to steal the memories?”

Keller’s expression darkens, and she looks at Blaze. “I know you’re using that to manipulate me, but I’ll play along.”

“Good.” Blaze crosses his arms, mimicking Keller’s stiff posture. “Why are you here?”

“I noticed something strange going on in this area,” she replies. I can tell she’s not happy about complying, but at least she hasn’t hurt any of us or anything. “There’s a weird, very big mindprint. I thought I’d come check it out.”

“Did you think it had anything to do with FOE?” Blaze asks.

Keller shrugs. “I didn’t have any clue. I just wanted to investigate. It just seemed dangerously large. I know you think I’m heartless, but I don’t want innocent people getting hurt.”

I personally don’t think of her as heartless—I’ve seen how much she cares about Maddie. Dangerous, yes. Heartless, no. “And why did you use the exact same information as the guy in this room before you?” I jump in.

Keller frowns. “I pulled information out of the brain of the guy who was checking me in. I didn’t know who it was. Is that why he said he’d put me in the same room?”

Blaze frowns and glances in my direction. “Maybe this hotel has more to do with this FOE stuff than we thought.”

I shrug. “Who knows? We just have to tell Data.”

“What do we do about Keller?” Maddie pipes up from her sheltered spot in the corner of the hotel room. “Data wouldn’t want us to just leave her here.”

“Good point,” Blaze says. “Keller, would you mind coming with us?”

Keller opens her mouth to reply, but a shudder shakes her. She puts a hand to her forehead and stumbles to the window, gazing out, and her jaw drops in surprise. “Oh my—”

I hesitate, glancing over at Blaze, but confusion covers his face, too. I feel the familiar itch of my curiosity. I’ve gotten a lot better at restraining myself lately, but my curiosity will never fully go away. I wouldn’t want it to. I wait until Blaze makes his way towards the window and follow him, mentally patting myself on the back. So much self control.

I peer out the window over Maddie’s head. At first, I don’t see anything, but then Keller points to our right. My jaw drops as I take in a huge monster crashing through buildings a few blocks away. Its face looks like a giant mosquito head, the long nose thing prying through buildings. The creature’s body looks kind of like a troll’s, with the scaly skin of a dragon, and it’s taller than most of the buildings around us.

“What is that?” Blaze asks.

Keller shakes her head grimly. “I have no clue. But it’s definitely not good.”

And that’s the end of the sneak peek! You’ll have to wait until the 16th, or you can preorder Lightporter now and you’ll be sure to get it on release day. For now, though, check out the schedule below, and hang around for some fun release tour announcements!

Release Tour Schedule

There will also be posts on The World of the Writer.

Monday, June 11th

Writefury – Character Interview and Lightporter Review

Dreams and Dragons – Twinepathy and Lightporter Reviews

Light and Shadows – Book Spotlight and Author Interview

Tuesday, June 12th

Reading Anyone – Lightporter Review

Jemma – Author Interview

Wednesday, June 13th

Home With Hummingbirds – Character Interview and Book Spotlight

Thursday, June 14th

Ashley Bogner – Author Interview

Faith Blum – Book Spotlight

The Page Dreamer (Deborah O’Carroll) – Lightporter Review

Friday, June 15th

Lights And Shadows – Friday 5s: IDIA Edition

Purely By Faith Reviews – Lightporter Review and Book Spotlight

Saturday, June 16th (Release day!)

Marlene Simonette – Lightporter Review and Book Spotlight

Dreams and Dragons – Character Interview

Elven Padawan – Lightporter Review

Lightporter Release Countdown: Chapter Two

Hullo, everyone! Today I bring you the second chapter of Lightporter, which means we only have one week left until the release tour starts! I can’t wait! If you’re new, you should definitely read Twinepathy first, or you can just try out the second book. Click here to read the first chapter of Lightporter. Hope you enjoy this chapter, and don’t forget to comment your theories and ideas below!

The alley fades away and we appear in IDIA headquarters, in one of the big black circles that I learned are teleporting rings—places for teleporters to safely teleport to without worrying about people. No one’s supposed to walk in them, and no one does. After dropping us off, Blaze immediately disappears, leaving us there with barely a nod.

“This is so weird,” I say, frowning at the spot where Blaze was. “Let’s get to Data’s office so we can figure out what’s going on.”

The teleportation rings are on the opposite side of the huge lobby of IDIA from Jen’s office, so it would be a long trek—that is, if we had to walk. But Maddie’s here, so we don’t have to. She’s been working on her powers with another telekinetic, Push, and her powers have strengthened a lot. She just learned how to fly recently, and while I’m still nervous, I trust her. Mostly. I do wish I had some way to hold onto the ground, just in case. Flying still feels unnatural.

Maddie uses her telekinesis powers to push herself off the ground, then pulls us up behind her. A moment later, we’re hurtling across the lobby, near the high ceiling—which Jen told me was made specifically for flying to be possible. It doesn’t take us long to reach the other side, and I’m very glad to be back on the ground. I barely wait for Brooklyn and Maddie before heading over to Jen’s office door.

The desk outside the office where Com used to sit before he betrayed us is empty. Jen said she might look for a replacement, but it’s been three months since the end of that whole fiasco, and she still hasn’t gotten one. My guess is she doesn’t want to go through that whole thing again, but who knows. If there’s one person I’ll never be able to understand, it’s Jen.

And apparently Blaze.

I knock on Jen’s office door and hear her call for us to come in. She looks up as we enter and smiles. “Good, I’m glad you made it.” She motions to three chairs in front of her desk. “Have a seat, please. This’ll be quick.”

“And clear, I hope,” I comment, sitting down in one of the chairs. “What’s wrong with Blaze?”

Jen’s expression turns solemn, and she nods. “You noticed, then.”

“It was kind of hard not to,” Brooklyn admits. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know,” Jen says. “That’s why I wanted you three to come here. Blaze has been acting very odd for the past three days. He’s been quiet, snappish, and the opposite of his usual cheerful self. I’ve known him for years, and he’s only been like this twice. But he also won’t open up to me at all, so I know he’s hiding something.”

“And you want us to figure out what that something is?” I ask with a frown.

“Yes and no.” Jen leans forward. “I don’t want to endanger any of you, and I don’t want to make Blaze suspicious, either. I just want all of you to keep your eyes and ears open, and if you hear even a hint as to what’s bugging him, let me know.”

“Can I ask him what’s going on?” I ask.

Jen nods. “Just don’t mention me or make him suspicious.”

“Okay.” I frown. “You said there were two other times when Blaze acted like this. What were they?”

Jen studies me with a frown of her own. “One is classified, the other involves Blaze’s own personal life, and I’m not at liberty to share about that. I can tell you that in both of those situations, Blaze was willing to talk to me. Only one of them was a serious situation, and it was one I already knew about. So I can only conclude that his unwillingness to talk means it’s something I wouldn’t like.”

I’m thoroughly confused, but I’ve come to expect vagueness from Jen. “Okay…”

Jen glances at her watch. “We need to get to the meeting. Be careful, all of you, especially Albany.” She gives me a warning look. “I don’t know what Blaze is up to, and I don’t like to think that he’d harm any of you, but I still want you to be careful.” With that final warning, she stands up and motions to the door. “We’re in room four.”

The three of us follow Jen down the hallway, more solemn than we were before. Whatever’s going on with Blaze is not good, with a capital everything. I can’t help musing over it in my mind. What if Blaze has started working for FOE, the mysterious villainous agency that Com was working for? Not likely, but possible. I don’t know anything about his history or his family, not even his real name, so who knows what could be going on. Maybe his family has worked for them for years or something. But even then, I can’t imagine Blaze working for the bad guys. Maybe something’s wrong in his non-superhero life.

We reach the meeting room and go inside. No one else is in it when we enter, but Jen motions for us to sit. “Blaze is bringing Push,” she tells us.

We don’t have to wait long. Blaze and Push come in only a minute or two after we get settled. They take their places at the table quickly, and Jen begins to debrief us.

“As most of you know, Com betrayed us because he was working for an organization—or maybe an agency—named FOE. He told us he was hired by someone, and that was the only person from the agency he ever met. After his capture, I read him.” She flexes her hands absentmindedly and her expression darkens a little. “I know what his contact looks like. Unfortunately, there’s a very great possibility that his appearance was a disguise. But through their conversation, I was able to pick up a few clues as to where he was holed up—a hotel in Chicago.”

“You think he’s still there?” I ask doubtfully.

Jen shakes her head. “Most likely not. But this hotel keeps a backlog of guests, so we can figure out how long the man was staying there. If he’s still there, in the hotel, I want all of you to carefully investigate. If he’s not, see if there’s any way you can check the room he was staying in. He might have left something behind that could give us a clue. Either way, Blaze, I want you to keep everyone invisible the entire time. Pop, you will be here at headquarters, keeping in contact with Jazz through your connection.”

Brooklyn sighs in relief, and so do I. That means I get to go on this mission, at least. I can’t wait. I don’t know how Brooklyn can actually like staying here at headquarters. Just goes to show how different we are.

“Jazz, Maddie, Push, and Blaze, you four will be investigating, looking through the records. I have their location at the hotel for you, and I also have the exact date he checked into the hotel.”

“How?” Push asks, frowning.

Jen smiles slightly. “Com was the one who picked him up and checked him in.”

“Wouldn’t that give us his name, too?” I ask.

“No. Unless his name really is John Smith,” Jen replies. “Which is highly unlikely.”

“The cheesiest of all cheesy fake names,” I say with a grin in Blaze’s direction. My smile falters when he ignores me. Of course.

Jen gives us more details, like the location of the records room and small details that might help us. She also gives us a picture of Com and a picture of what she says is the FOE guy. He looks normal enough… too normal, come to think of it. “This is what his appearance was for the most part when he met with Com. You can use this to ask some of the hotel staff about him. Push, I’m putting you on that. Maddie, I’d prefer for you to stay on lookout. Blaze and Albany, you two will go through the registers for information. Understood?”

We all agree, and Jen looks us over. “You can do this. Blaze.” She nods at him, and he teleports the four of us away.

A mission! I can’t wait to find out what happens next… 🙂 Come back next Monday for the third chapter and the start of the release tour! Also, don’t forget that the sign-ups for Lightporter‘s release tour are still open, so you can still sign up if you would like to participate!

Enjoy the chapter? Comment below with your thoughts and theories!

Lightporter Release Countdown: Chapter One

Hullo, friends! So in preparation for the release of Lightporter, I decided to release the first three chapters of the book here on my blog! I know I said I would post this on Monday, but… I forgot. So for the next three Mondays until the tour starts, you can stop by and read the chapters! If you’re new, you should definitely read Twinepathy first, or you can just try out the second book. Enjoy!

Hello, my name is Albany York, and I never thought I’d see Anvil mowing our lawn. Maybe he makes awesome macadamia nut cookies and “killer” lasagna, but mowing the lawn seems awfully… normal. It just doesn’t seem right for a dangerous secret superhero guy.

Brooklyn and I are supposed to be working on homework, but I’m reading my new favorite book, and she’s staring out the window, daydreaming. That’s unfortunate, because those daydreams keep sneaking their way into my head—one of the cons of having a telepathic connection with your sister. Maddie’s at Keller’s house, since it’s the weekend. I’m in the middle of the climax of my book when Brooklyn straightens, staring out at the yard.

“Albany!” She presses her nose to the glass. “It’s Anvil!”

I look up in surprise. “What?!” My mind immediately starts going over all the terrible reasons he could be here. Did something happen to Maddie? Or Blaze? Or Jen?

“He’s mowing the lawn,” Brooklyn announces, as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. She gets up and heads to the door. “I’m gonna go say hi.”

She’s out the door before I can protest. I go to the window, and sure enough, Anvil’s pushing a rumbling lawn mower across our yard. Not normal at all. More importantly, though, why is he here?

I tramp down the stairs and discover Brooklyn in the kitchen. “What are you doing? I thought you were going to talk to him,” I say.

“I’m making lemonade for him. It’s hot outside,” she replies. By her easygoing attitude, you’d think it was Denver mowing the lawn, not Anvil. I shrug and head outside.

I step out onto the porch and wave to Anvil. He spots me and stops the mower, and I hurry over to talk to him. “What are you doing here?” I ask.

He swipes a hand across his forehead. “I’m mowing your lawn.”

I cross my arms. “Well, duh. But why?”

He looks down at me. “Your mom hired me.”

“Why?” I ask again, getting more frustrated by the second.

“Mission,” Anvil finally says. “Details after I finish.” He nods at the lawn mower, hinting.

I sigh. “Fine. I’ll go help Brooklyn with the lemonade.”

About twenty minutes later, the rumble of the lawn mower stops, and I help Brooklyn carry a pitcher of lemonade and some glasses out onto the porch. Anvil accepts a glass and guzzles it down. “Thanks. It tastes great.”

“You’re welcome!” Brooklyn pours him some more. “I squeezed the lemons myself. I actually experimented with the recipe a little, and added less sugar than usual…”

I clear my throat. “You said something about a mission, Anvil?”

The corner of his mouth twitches in an almost-smile. He pulls an envelope out of his pocket and hands it to me. “Times and details inside. Blaze will be here to pick you up at whatever time.”

I frown. “You don’t know the time?”

Anvil shrugs. “I’m not on this one. I’m just delivering the summons.”

“Hello!” Mom hurries up the walkway and joins us on the porch. “I see you’ve met my daughters, Cade. The lawn looks wonderful.”

Great. I forgot that Mom would know Anvil by his real name, not his IDIA code name. Now I’ll have to remember to call him Cade around Mom and Dad.

Anvil nods at Mom. “Thank you. I’ll start the back in a minute. Your daughters just brought out some lemonade.”

Mom looks at us with a smile. “Good. Come inside when you’re done, Cade, so I can pay you.” She starts to go inside, but I hold out a hand and stop her.

“Mom, I forgot to tell you, we have to study with Blaze later tonight.”

Mom nods slowly, throwing a glance in Anvil’s direction. She knows about IDIA, and so does Anvil, so I could easily say what I really meant: we have an assignment tonight. But Mom doesn’t know that Anvil’s an agent, and Jen stated clearly that our family should only know about me, Brooklyn, Maddie, Blaze, and Jen herself. Understandable. My only complaint is a big one—this means Denver doesn’t know about Ezra.

“All right,” Mom replies. “Let me know how long you’ll be gone, okay?”

I agree, and Mom heads back inside. Anvil finishes his lemonade, gives Brooklyn and me a quick nod, and heads back out to finish the yard. I drag Brooklyn upstairs and pull open the envelope. Because of all the notes we’ve gotten from Blaze about missions in the past three months since we joined IDIA, I’ve learned to recognize his handwriting, and I know instantly this isn’t his. It’s way too elegant.

Jazz and Pop are required for a mission. Please report to Lava Java Café to be picked up by Blaze at three o’clock. Meet me privately when you arrive, as I also have a private mission for you. Do not mention to Blaze. –Data

Jen, of course. I look at Brooklyn, surprised. I’m pretty sure this is the first time that we’ve gotten a note from her. Why doesn’t she want us to tell Blaze about this “private mission”?

“That’s weird,” Brooklyn says with a frown, reading over my shoulder.

I nod. “I guess we’ll figure out what this is all about at three.” Waiting. If anyone ever wants to torture me, that will be the best way to do it.

Brooklyn gives me a look. “Keep in mind it would be best if you didn’t try to find out before then.”

Having a sister who can read your mind—literally and figuratively—is not always beneficial. “The thought didn’t even cross my mind,” I say innocently. But for once, I agree with Brooklyn. I should probably wait. “Don’t worry, I’ll wait.”

I grab my book and flop on my bed, but in spite of how reluctant I was to put it down earlier, now I’m antsy with anticipation, and it’s almost impossible to concentrate. Eventually, I put the book down and force myself to work on homework instead. My mind keeps going over the possibilities, trying to figure out why Jen wants to meet with us privately. It can’t be about the dumpster incident with Blaze last week, since Brooklyn wasn’t involved in that. Sure, there have been a few mishaps since then—maybe more than a few—but I’m able to rule out almost all of them. The only one even mildly possible is the Chipmunk Escapade, and Jen already lectured me about that. The only other reason I can come up with is that Jen has a special, secret mission for us. That theory only makes me more antsy.

Brooklyn makes me wait until it’s almost three before we leave. Anvil’s long gone, and we tell Mom we’re not sure how long we’ll be. I hope we’re home for dinner, because I’m pretty sure I saw Mom’s shrimp scampi recipe on the counter. My favorite kind of seafood ever. But I might have to make a choice: top secret mission or shrimp scampi. Hopefully I don’t have to make that decision.

We head over to the fake Lava Java Café, and since there aren’t any illusions inside, I’m guessing we’re supposed to meet out back. I lead the way into the alley, since Brooklyn hates dark, narrow streets, and I’m surprised to find Maddie waiting by the back door.

“Maddie!” Brooklyn exclaims, going over to her and hugging her. “Aren’t you supposed to be at Keller’s?”

Maddie smiles and wiggles her way out of Brooklyn’s too-tight hug. “I was, but I got a note from Data about a mission. I didn’t know you were coming.” She smiles at me, her eyes bright.

I can’t help but grin back. “We didn’t know you were going to be here, either. Did you get any details?” I really want to ask about the secret meeting with Jen, but I don’t know if I should. Jen only said not to tell Blaze…

Maddie shakes her head. “No, but Data wants to meet with me before.”

Brooklyn looks around and then speaks in a low voice. “Did she tell you not to tell Blaze, either?”

Maddie nods. “Not sure what that’s about.” She taps her mask. “You guys should mask up.”

Blaze appears next to us as Brooklyn and I slip on our masks. He’s frowning, a rare sight for him. Other than that, he looks normal, with his black mask and fudge brown hair. “Ready?”

“Ready as a dragon,” I say with a grin. Blaze said the same thing to me a while back, and I’ve been looking for a chance to use it back to him. But instead of throwing out his patented grin, Blaze just sends me a glare. I put my hands on my hips. “Really? I’ve been waiting to do that for ages. Not even a smirk?”

Blaze sighs. “Ha. Ha. That better?”

“What’s wrong?” Brooklyn asks. “Are you all right?” I can’t tell if she’s concerned or if she’s trying to get more information for our meeting with Jen.

Blaze sighs, running a hand through his hair, which makes it stick out in all directions. “Nothing. I’m just really stressed out, and I’m not in the mood for joking around, okay? So let’s just get you guys to HQ, all right?”

I gape at Blaze. Moody and snappy? That’s something I’d expect from Trav, Blaze’s perpetually frowning teleporter friend, or Anvil, but Blaze? No way. “Since when are you not in the mood for—”

Brooklyn gives me a look, and I close my mouth. Whatever’s going on, I hope it stops soon. I already miss cheerful Blaze. Brooklyn turns to Blaze. “Let’s go, then.”

Oooh, Blaze being grumpy? And a mission! What do you think will happen next? Comment your thoughts below, and make sure to tune in next Saturday to read chapter two!

Also, don’t forget that the sign-ups for Lightporter‘s release tour are still open if you would like to participate!

Lightporter Release Date (EEEP!) And Release Tour Sign-Ups


It’s been almost two years since Twinepathy released, and work on Lightporter has been pretty slow, but I’ve finally finished my edits, and I now have a release date for you!! *drumroll*

June 16, 2018

I’m so excited to finally be bringing you guys this book! It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here! If you would be able to help out with this release, please fill out the contact form below! And now for the blurb (FINALLY!) and some details!



n. someone who has the ability to manipulate light and can use that ability to teleport

Albany and her twin sister, Brooklyn, have gotten more comfortable in the superhero world. But when Blaze starts acting secretive and weird monsters attack, the girls realize there is more going on that they still don’t know about. Before long, they discover that Blaze is hiding something—or someone. With FOE still hiding in the shadows, the girls must decide who they can trust… before it’s too late.

Important things to know about the blog tour:

  • The tour will last from June 11-16. If you sign up to help, you can post/promote on any (or all) of those days.
  • Starting on June 11th, Lightporter will be up for pre-order for $0.99, and Twinepathy‘s price will go down to $0.99 permanently! After the release (probably about a week after), Lightporter will go up to $2.99, so if you can buy it during the release or right after, you’ll get a lower price.
  • Don’t have a lot of time to participate, but still want to help? No problem! I’ll be providing a pre-written post with a description of the book and links.
  • If you haven’t read Twinepathy yet and don’t know if you would want to help promote Lightporter, ask me about a free PDF review copy of Twinepathy. I’d love to get some more reviews for it!
  • If I receive enough entries, there could be another fanart or fanfiction contest. If you’d be interested, let me know in the comments below! There could be signed paperback copies of Lightporter given away. 😀 If there aren’t enough entries for a contest, but a few people still submit entries, you’ll still get a special thank you, so let me know in the comments if you’d like to participate! (You can see the last contest here.)
  • If you sign up to do a character or an author interview, you must send me your questions by June 1st. This will give me time to answer your questions.
  • Have your own idea for a unique type of post? Let me know in the signup form or in the comments below. I’d love to hear it!

As always, if you have any questions, comment below! You can also share this graphic to get your friends excited about the release.

Click here to fill out the form in a new browser window.

I’m super excited about this release, and I hope you guys are too!! Comment below if you have any questions!