The Rise Of Aredor Series Re-Launch

Hullo, everyone! I’m so excited to be bringing you the re-launch of the Rise of Aredor series by Claire M. Banschbach!!! This series has been out for a while, and I’ve been dying to read both books, but then the publisher closed. Because of that, they were off of the market for a while, but now they’re finally be relaunched! I’m so glad to be a part of the tour. So let’s learn a little about the books, shall we?

The Rise of Aredor

Lost in a foreign land and separated from his family, Corin does his best to survive as a slave in the household of a Calorin lord. With newfound friends he fights for survival in ambushes and wars. For one act of bravery, he is awarded his freedom and returns to a home that has been invaded and ravaged by the Calorin armies. When Corin sets foot on Aredor’s shores, he has one goal in mind: find his family. He is driven into the forest, where he is reunited with childhood friends. From the shelter of the woods, they begin a spirited rebellion against Corin’s former cruel master, who now holds sway over Aredor. Follow Corin’s path in his quest to free his imprisoned brother, find a father who has vanished, and ultimately free his country in The Rise of Aredor.

Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

The Wildcat of Braeton

His term of service to Lord Rishdah now complete, Aiden returns to his home in Braeton. As he travels he hears rumors that trouble plagues Braeton. Clan Canich is being attacked from within. He arrives, determined to save his father, his brothers, and his Clan from the treachery of one man.

A year has passed since the Calorins were driven from Aredor and Corin is struggling to rebuild his country. Despite the peace, a fear haunts him that the Calorins aren’t far away. The Hawk Flight takes to the forest again to defend the borders against a possible attack from the neighboring country of Durna and its Calorin ally.

As Aiden and Corin struggle to adapt to their new lives they know one thing for certain – war is coming to the North!

Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Author Bio

Claire M. Banschbach is a native West Texan. She discovered a deep and abiding love for fantasy and science fiction at a young age, prompting her to begin exploring worlds armed only with an overactive imagination and a pen while obtaining degrees in Kinesiology from Texas A&M and Physical Therapy from Texas Tech University.

She talks to fictional characters more than she should while struggling to find time for all their stories. She currently resides in Arlington, TX where she works as a Pediatric Physical Therapist.

You can connect with her on Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Blog | Instagram


And now for some fun celebratory things! There’s actually a Rise of Aredor giveaway going on, and all of the books are on sale for $0.99! Along with that, you can get a taste of the Aredor universe by checking out some short stories on Claire’s blog. Check out the rest of the tour posts below to see even more!

Tour Schedule

Sept 28

Daley Downing – Series review

Rachael Ritchey – Series spotlight & Interview

Deborah O’Carroll – Series spotlight & Interview

Kelsey Bryant – Series spotlight

Shannon A. Hiner – Series review

Sept 29

CB Cook – Series spotlight

Liv K. Fisher – Series spotlight & Interview

Laura A. Grace – Video Reviews!

Emily Kopf – Review for The Rise of Aredor

Shannon A. Hiner – Interview

Sept 30

Hazel West – Interview

E. Rawls – Guest Post – Anatomy of Writing

Gabriellyn Gidman – Interview

E. Paige Burks – Series spotlight

Sarah Addison-Fox – Series review

Faith Blum – Spotlight for The Wildcat of Braeton

100 Pages, Indie Author E-Con, and Sale!

Hello, everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve actually written a post, but I have big news!

100 pages!!!

Yup, I just hit 28,670 words in the sequel to Twinepathy, which, if you haven’t found out, is titled Lightporter. I’m not far enough along to post a blurb or a snippet, unfortunately. But I have several other things to announce!


First, I’m going to be participating in my first e-conference! From March 20th-24th, Kendra E. Ardnek will be hosting the Indie Author E-Con. There will be tons of awesome blog posts on a bunch of different blogs, and there’s also going to be contests that you can participate in! First, there’s a writing contest, where you can write a story to fit one of the covers. There will be prizes, and if you get Best-Of for the cover, you get that cover! Go check them out and see if any inspire you. There’s even one I made! 🙂

The second Indie Author E-Con event I wanted to tell you about is the fanart and cosplay showcase for Indie books. I’m very excited about this, as it’ll give some of us indie authors a chance to see how much our readers love our books. If you have an idea for fanart or cosplay for Twinepathy or any other indie books, get started on it now! Trust me, it’ll be fun. I might even be doing some for my favorite indie books, if I have time.

And finally, as celebration for hitting a hundred pages in Lightporter, and because of the Indie E-Con…

Twinepathy is going to be on sale until the end of March! If you haven’t picked up a copy of the book yet, this is your chance! Still not sure if you want to buy it? Read some reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. If you want super detailed reviews, I’d suggest Deborah O’Carroll’s review and Christine Smith’s. They both basically wrote their own book about my book, and they’re super entertaining, so go check them out!

I hope you pick up a copy of Twinepathy and join us for the Indie Author E-Con! Comment below with random ideas for Twinepathy fanfiction, fanart, and cosplays for the E-con. I’d love to see your IDIAs!

Hello Again And A Cyber Monday Sale!

Why, hello, friends! It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? I blame college. But I have a surprise! In case you haven’t noticed, today is Cyber Monday! I decided that today would be a great day to put Twinepathy on sale for only $0.99! If you haven’t read it or if you want an e-book copy for yourself, go ahead and pick it up now! The sale will only last through tomorrow. This is my way to thank all of you for all of your help and support!


If you’ve already read Twinepathy, you can still help out by posting a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or your own blog, and by sharing about the sale. Thank you all!