Friday Fiction Challenge: 7-4-14

A challenge to help you write, get you thinking, and spark some creativity! Add a link to your response in the comments below and link back to this post. If you just decide to answer the question, and it’s not a full length post, feel free to just comment with your answer. Be creative and have fun!

In honor of the birth of America… and Captain America.

The Question – The Country

Which foreign country would you want to visit?

The Challenge – The Country

Write a tale about your unfortunate experience in this foreign country. Do you get stranded in the middle of nowhere? Or do you find yourself stuck on the Autobahn (or some other super highway)?

Bonus! The Question – The Captain

Would you rather go back in time to the 1940s during World War II or would you rather eat nothing but fondue for the rest of your life?

Bonus! The Challenge – The Captain

Write a fictional story about your time in World War II. Or the rest of your life while you eat fondue. 😀

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