The 777 Challenge | The Villain Who Saved Christmas

Well, look who’s posting two weeks in a row! Earlier this week, Claire posted her snippets for the 777 Challenge, and today, Deborah tagged me for the challenge! Unfortunately, IDIA book 3 is still in the brainstorming stage… but I just got over 7 pages on my Christmas superhero short story, which also now has a title: The Villain Who Saved Christmas! I’m very excited about this story, and I can’t wait to see where it goes. For now, you can add it on Goodreads. First, the rules:


  1. Open your WIP to the seventh page
  2. Scroll past the seventh line
  3. Copy the next seven paragraphs and paste them on your blog for THE WORLD to read
  4. Tag seven people

And here’s my snippet! (For reference, Scott is a supervillain with ice powers named Hypothermia, and Reflex is a superhero, Scott’s archnemesis.)

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June Contest: Picture Perfect Writing Challenge

Hello, everyone! I’m ready to announce the June contest! We had a great response to last month’s contest, and boy, you guys did not make it easy. šŸ˜€ Wonderful job! I’m hoping we’ll be able to do that one again in the future. Special thanks to everyone who participated! Now to announce the winners:

Picture 1 – The Old Man


Picture 2 – Reflection Girl

Myliana by Bianca C.!

Picture 3 – Little Sunset Girl

Camille by Writinganyone!

All of them were super close, guys! Great job! And for those of you who won, I’ll be stopping by your blogs and giving you a winners button (and a virtual slice of celebratory cake).Ā I’ll also beĀ givingĀ all participants their scores.Ā Thanks to all of our contestants for participating! Check out the other posts: Aubrey, Willowy Whisper, Writefury, and Sprinklesquink. You guys all did amazing!

Now, on to the next contest!


In the Picture Perfect Writing Challenge, contestants will write a story of less than 1,000 words based off of one of three pictures. Winners will be judged on creativity, plot, characters, and use of the picture. Any inappropriate entries will be disqualified.

I’ve got some cool pictures, so let’s get started!

The Pictures

Picture 1

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 3

The Rules

1. Maximum amount of entries is one per picture.

2. To submit, post your short story, with the contest button (above) and your chosen picture, andĀ put a link to your submission in the comments below,Ā OR, if you do not have a blog, you can submit your piece through the contact form on the Talk To The Writer page. (If you post your submission, tag it with “Picture Perfect Writing Challenge” and “The World of the Writer”.)

3. The deadline is June 30th, 2015!!!

Are you planning on participating? What do you think of the pictures? I hope to see your entry this month!

Got an idea for a contest? Submit it using the Talk to the Writer page.

Friday Fiction Challenge: 7-25-14

A challenge to help you write, get you thinking, and spark some creativity! Add a link to your response in the comments below and link back to this post. If you just decide to answer the question, and itā€™s not a full length post, feel free to just comment with your answer. Be creative and have fun!

The Question

What is your favorite quote of all time?

The Challenge

Write a story that (a) uses that quote or (b) uses all of the words from the quote without using the quote itself. And if you want to choose a different quote than an absolute favorite one, go for it!

Friday Fiction Challenge: 7-18-14

A challenge to help you write, get you thinking, and spark some creativity! Add a link to your response in the comments below and link back to this post. If you just decide to answer the question, and itā€™s not a full length post, feel free to just comment with your answer. Be creative and have fun!

The Question

Do you prefer writing in first person or third person? Why?

The Challenge

If you like writing in first person, write a story about yourself in the third person. If you like writing in third person, write a story from someone else’s point of view in first person.

Friday Fiction Challenge: 7-11-14

A challenge to help you write, get you thinking, and spark some creativity! Add a link to your response in the comments below and link back to this post. If you just decide to answer the question, and itā€™s not a full length post, feel free to just comment with your answer. Be creative and have fun!

The Question

What do you see yourself doing in ten or twenty years? Are you famous? Or are you rich,Ā retired, and living in the Bahamas? Or are you just pretty much the same?

The Challenge

Write a story of you meeting your future self. (Yes, you can meet them for coffee if you want. šŸ˜‰ )

Friday Fiction Challenge: 7-4-14

A challenge to help you write, get you thinking, and spark some creativity! Add a link to your response in the comments below and link back to this post. If you just decide to answer the question, and itā€™s not a full length post, feel free to just comment with your answer. Be creative and have fun!

In honor of the birth of America… and Captain America.

The Question – The Country

Which foreignĀ country would you want to visit?

The Challenge – The Country

Write a tale about your unfortunate experience in this foreign country. Do you get stranded in the middle of nowhere? Or do you find yourself stuck on the Autobahn (or some other superĀ highway)?

Bonus! The QuestionĀ – The Captain

Would you rather go back in time to the 1940s during World War II or would you rather eat nothing but fondue for the rest of your life?

Bonus! TheĀ Challenge – The Captain

Write a fictional story about your time in World War II. Or the rest of your life while you eat fondue. šŸ˜€

Friday Fiction Challenge: 6-27-14

A challenge to help you write, get you thinking, and spark some creativity! Add a link to your response in the comments below and link back to this post. If you just decide to answer the question, and it’s not a full length post, feel free to just comment with your answer. Be creative!

The Question

Which one of the Avengers superheroes, or non-Avengers superhero,Ā would you be? (Mixed answers are okay.)

The Challenge

Write a story feature you the Avenger. Be creative! No word limit, just keep it from getting too long.