Pevensie – A Captain America/Chronicles of Narnia Crossover

Helloooo, everyone! Because of the Super-Duper Fan Fiction Crossover Challenge (What a mouthful. SDFFCC?), I decided I should write a quick crossover as an example. And because the idea randomly came to mind. So this is a Captain America/Chronicles of Narnia crossover, inspired by the fact that both Steve and Mr. Pevensie (we believe) fought in World War II. Note that there is no quote used here, as I didn’t do it for the challenge, and the quote is not required. Enjoy!!!! 😀

Steve let the book fall down into his lap as he stared off into space. It couldn’t be. Could it? He glanced down at the page. He wouldn’t have thought anything of it until he saw the last name. Could this actually be real?

He hated seeing people go down. Friends, acquaintances, even people he didn’t know. All of them had families, loved ones, children waiting for them to come home. But he always would go to the medical tents after a big battle and encourage the men there. It was his way of giving back.

Today, there was another man helping him. He told the wounded men about his kids, funny things they had done, stories they’d made up. He made them smile – some even managed to laugh. He and Steve left together, and Steve noticed the man’s eyes filling as they left.

Steve made him stop. “Are you okay?”

The man shook his head. “That could be me in there. Sometime before this war is over, I probably will be in there, if I don’t die right away.”

Steve put a hand on the man’s arm. “You shouldn’t think like that…” He paused, not knowing the man’s name.

“Pevensie,” the man said. He looked at Steve. “You’re Steve Rogers, of course.”

Steve gave a small smile. “Yes.”

Pevensie stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a thick envelope. “I’ve been looking for someone trustworthy to give this to, and I can’t think of a better man than you. Could you make sure this gets to my children? There are letters for each of them in there, and one for my wife, Helen, too.”

Steve nodded. “I’d be glad to, sir. What are your children’s names?”

“Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy,” Pevensie said. “My wife said the children were evacuated to the country, staying at a professor’s house.”

Steve gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “You can count on me, Pevensie.”


Steve looked down at the book. Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy. Pevensie. Staying at a professor’s house. Professor Kirk. Could it be true? Could there really be a magic wardrobe? Another world?

He didn’t know what had become of the letter. He’d never had a chance to mail it or hand it over to anyone. He’d had it with him during the crash. It must’ve been so waterlogged that someone threw it out. Either that, or… could SHIELD still have it somewhere?

He wouldn’t have even given it a chance if he didn’t know about Thor. If Asgard was real, why not Narnia?

So as you can see, the story doesn’t have to be long, and it can involve any connection. 🙂 Stay tuned for a Word War announcement for Monday. After all, it’s a holiday, we should take advantage of it! 😀


The Holdup

Did you know that Hershey’s Bars were first invented in 1900?!?! The things you learn from writing research! This is a short story I wrote for an English assignment based off a news story I wrote for Creative Writing. If you’re nerdy like me, you might recognize these names right off the bat. If not, don’t worry. You’ll find out at the end. Enjoy, and I’d love to hear your opinions!

“That’ll be ten dollars and ninety five cents,” the young girl behind the counter told him. Timothy Dugan slid the money to her, and picked up his snacks. Most truck stops along the route he and James Montgomery Falsworth, better known as Montgomery or Major, were taking had reasonable prices. This one, not so much. Timothy settled his portly frame down on a bench near the door, waiting for Montgomery to join him. The sky outside the front windows was black, pitch black, with dark clouds covering the moon. The harsh lights from inside the convenience glinted off the shiny silver 1951 Mercedes-Benz he and Montgomery had rented. It was only a couple years old.

Timothy opened his Hershey bar, smoothing his mustache away from his mouth. He wasn’t a big fan of chocolate, but it was one of the cheapest things in the store. The wrapper cheerily proclaimed the fiftieth anniversary of Hershey bars. The bell on the front door jingled and Timothy just caught a glimpse of the two darkly-dressed men as they walked past him. He looked outside and saw their car parked next to the rental. He couldn’t help admiring the dark lines of their small car, but he couldn’t see the make of the car or the license plate number.

He heard Montgomery whistling as the bathroom door slammed shut, and then the whistling stopped abruptly. Timothy looked up to see the taller of the two men pointing a gun at Montgomery’s back. A cold hand yanked Timothy off the bench and the short, fat man pointed a gun at Timothy. A holdup. Hope this doesn’t become the last day of the road trip.

“Give us the money from the cash register,” the taller man ordered. Both men had their faces covered, and were wearing long sleeves and gloves. Timothy pitied the frightened girl, who looked like she was only in her twenties. Timothy glanced at Montgomery. Here they were, two World War II veterans, and not only that, but two who had served next to the best captain in the army, and they were unable to do anything to help stop a robbery.

The girl opened the cash register and handed off the money to them. “This one’s for you, Rogers,” Timothy whispered. He shoved his elbow into his captor’s stomach. The man doubled over, letting go of Timothy and the gun, but he recovered quick enough to race outside, his partner covering for him and picking up the dropped gun. The tall man studied them. “Stay at the back of the room and don’t try anything, or you’ll regret it.” Then he disappeared out the door and into the car outside, which roared to life and sped down the road.

Timothy immediately reached for the phone and called the police, alerting them to what happened. Montgomery patted his shoulder. “Well done, Dugan. Rogers would’ve been proud.”

Timothy smiles at his friend, rubbing his red moustache. He missed his old nickname. Montgomery hadn’t called him Dum Dum since the plane crash. “He would’ve done better. But I’m not a super soldier.” The police filed into the building, getting their testimonies and contact information. Then they let them go, and the two veterans headed back onto the open road.

Still don’t know who our World War II veterans are? Dum Dum and the Major, two members of Captain America’s “barbershop quartet”! Surprise!

Friday Fiction Challenge: 7-4-14

A challenge to help you write, get you thinking, and spark some creativity! Add a link to your response in the comments below and link back to this post. If you just decide to answer the question, and it’s not a full length post, feel free to just comment with your answer. Be creative and have fun!

In honor of the birth of America… and Captain America.

The Question – The Country

Which foreign country would you want to visit?

The Challenge – The Country

Write a tale about your unfortunate experience in this foreign country. Do you get stranded in the middle of nowhere? Or do you find yourself stuck on the Autobahn (or some other super highway)?

Bonus! The Question – The Captain

Would you rather go back in time to the 1940s during World War II or would you rather eat nothing but fondue for the rest of your life?

Bonus! The Challenge – The Captain

Write a fictional story about your time in World War II. Or the rest of your life while you eat fondue. 😀