The Hills of Innocence Trilogy Blog Tour

Hullo, everyone! Today I’m participating in the blog tour for the first book in the Hills of Innocence Trilogy by Willowy Whisper, The Innocent. I picked this book up on Amazon almost right after it was published, and I was so excited by how awesome it was! I’ll stop rambling and get on with the review… although I may or may not ramble in the review. 😉

The Innocent 2

I have never been a big fan of Western books.

I’ve figured out that this is because most Western books I’ve read fit into one of two categories: school-ish historical fiction or romance. Neither of those are my type, and most of the ones I’ve read are horribly cliché, as well.

But this one… sure, it has some romance, but it’s a Western mystery! And that, my friends, was what hooked me from the start.

The book jumps right into the action. While our main character, Harvey, is investigating, Willowy gives us little hints to unravel ourselves. If you pay attention, you can figure it out before the characters do! I sort of did, although it was more like a very, very strong guess. 😉 And I was right!

The Innocent had me hooked from the very beginning, and I seriously only put it down once. I found the characters memorable and intriguing, and the plot was absolutely wonderful. I really enjoyed all the twists and turns, and I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a fun, fast-paced read!

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See the rest of the blog tour participants