Poem: real

Once again, I’m dipping into the poems I wrote this past semester for my poetry class! This poem was really fun to write, and it’s a bit of a precursor to the post I plan to post next week about writing superheroes. Hope you enjoy!


c.b. cook


a small man

in a too-big suit

fights a man in an alley

who is too big

for him to beat


a broken woman

burdened by her past

mistakes tries

to erase them

by doing good


a sad man

with lots of money

drowns his sorrows

and PTSD

in alcohol


the small man

becomes a big man

who fights for good

even when he’s lost

all the things he loves


the broken woman

gives hope

saves a friend

and the world

by giving up her soul


the sad man

finds a new purpose

a true love

real friends

and gives them his life



not real

but real

and struggling

just like us

and maybe

that’s why

we like


so much


What did you think of this poem? Do you know which superheroes these all are? Comment down below with your thoughts!

10 thoughts on “Poem: real

  1. *shrieks in fangirl ecstasy* I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! Since I just watched Endgame again, hit me with all the Tony and Natasha feels. ❤ 😀 *cries*
    And exactly. This is why we love superheroes so much. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Aaaahhhhhh, this was amazing!!! Even though now I have FEELS. (Of course, when do I NOT have Marvel feels??? Ehehehehe.) Thank you so much for sharing! This was beautiful. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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