Writing About Writing: How To Be A Writer Without Being A Hermit

If you’re like me, sometimes you realize that you spend more time with a notebook and pencil or a computer than your own family and friends. And while it’s important to write, and to pursue your dreams and passions, you shouldn’t shut yourself off from the real world. (No quotation marks there, people. I’m being sort of serious.) So here are a few tips to help you not become a writing hermit.


Tip #1: Include family and friends in the writing and editing process.

Ask your siblings what they think of your latest plot idea. Read some of your work out loud to your friends (and let them squeal with you over your awesome love interest or your wonderfully witty dialogue). Have your parents help you with editing and proofreading. Let people read your story! It’s no fun to do it alone, anyway. Why not let your friends and family help you out?

Tip #2: Find real-life wriing buddies.

Yes, you may have over a hundred followers on social media. But nothing beats a real life friend you can write with. Not only do you not have to worry about being in different time zones, you can also meet at a bookstore! Or a coffee shop! Or go on a writing retreat into the mountains!

Tip #3: Step away from your story.

This is NOT procrastination. Well, it could be. But I will promise you that it’s much, much more important to build a relationship with those closest to you than it is to sit in front of a computer writing (or doing something else like procrastination, if you’re stuck on your story). If you’re not writing anyway, why not go on a walk with your family? Or maybe make cookies and talk with your family while you eat them. Or *gasp* help your mom clean the house!

Those are just a few ways to help you work on writing while not sitting hunched behind a computer all day. Thoughts on this list? Authors, do you have any ways you work on writing while still being social in real life? Comment below with your thoughts!

29 thoughts on “Writing About Writing: How To Be A Writer Without Being A Hermit

  1. This is a great list! Also I think writing on a schedule helps. In addition to the many other benefits of writing on a schedule, if you tell your family and/or other people who live in the same house as you that you will be writing on this (or these) day(s) and at this time they’ll know to leave you alone at that time. However, they’ll also know that at any other time you’re happy to talk with them and make cookies. 😀

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  2. I have the good luck to have some friends (in “real life”) who are writers. Not as serious as I am, perhaps, but still writers. 🙂 It’s pretty cool.

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  3. I’m sure this is such a fabulous and healthy idea but I….I am hopeless at this.😂 I’m a binge-writer! So I have to put 100% focus into my books while I’m working on them, and if I get distracted it all falls apart hahaha. but it is so truly awesome if one has a family that is willing and interested in their work!! My sister used to be but then she kind of stopped. Buuut, YES. It actually also helps with writers block to discuss things, right?!? Excellent post. 😀 Such sociable tips. 😉
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

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    • I know, I’m terrible at this. I’m not a binge writer, but I tend to spend waaaay too much time holed up in my room even when I’m not wriitng. 😛 I’ve found that dogs are very helpful for discussing things with. Mine is very patient and lets me rant about my writing. 😀
      You’re welcome, and thanks for commenting!


  4. These are all great points! ❤
    I absolutely *love* sharing my work with my family, my mom especially. 🙂
    I really need to find me some real-life writer friends… 😛
    And I totally agree with you on stepping away! It can get overwhelming sometimes, and it can be good to spend time with family and friends. (Totally not procrastinating, promise. 😉 )

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you! 😀 My mom almost always proofreads my work. The only one she didn’t was Paralyzed Dreams, because it was a birthday present for her. 😉
      It’s so hard! I actually found a few at church. I was surprised, one of the guys said he was trying to write a history AU (although that’s not how he described it). I haven’t gotten together with any of them, though.
      I agree! Especially when it’s for family bonding time (or watching a Marvel movie with my dad…)

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  5. This can be extra complicated when you’re home-schooled and are already not seeing people you know (outside of family) every day of the week. (Does that make sense? 😛 )
    Thankfully, though, I stay busy enough that it’s more like trying to find time to write than trying to find time for others. People are very important to me.
    And I happen to have 2 of the best writing friends in real life in the world, so… 😉
    Great article, though! Excellent tips in case my life ever slows down enough for me to actually spend too much time writing… 😛 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Exactly, and that does make sense. That’s why I wrote it. 😉
      I understand that! That’s what my life is like during the school year, most of the time. And real life writing friends is perfect. Sounds like you’re already doing a lot of things right. 😀


  6. Hanging out with friends who also like to write is a good way to avoid becoming a writer hermit, I agree. 🙂 Sometimes I need my writing space, haha, but I really enjoy sharing ideas and getting feedback from friends, and being able to help them out with their writing too!

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