Beautiful People February 2016: Denver and Ezra (Ezra’s Answers)

Here are Ezra’s half of the answers! Enjoy! 😀


BeautifulPeopleHeaderWas asked to do this by C.B. Cook a friend of mine and of course I said yes. I mean, it’s adorable Denver and Ezra how could I not? Anyways, if you would like to see Denver’s answers to these questions you can click here!

  1. How did they first meet? Ezra: I bumped into him at the library, knocking the books out of his arms and awkwardly introduced myself.


    What were their first impressions of each other? Ezra: That he was waaayyy out of my league. I mean I know I’m not ugly, but I’m not exactly ‘model material’ either. But after getting to know him better I realized we’ve got a lot in common.

    3. How long have they been a couple? Ezra: I’m horrid with remembering things, uhhhhh seven months?

    4. How committed/loyal are they to each other? Would they break up over a secret or a…

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