Avengers’ Isle: Long Time No See

Oh, I know you guys are itching to find out if Tony kills Loki, or if Loki kills Tony, or if Natasha kills them both. I’m sorry to torture you, but you’ll have to wait… See past episodes here.

There was absolute silence around the campfire. The two men managed to avoid each other’s gazes by staring into the fire. The smaller one gave an involuntary shudder and pulled his legs up to his chest.

“Thanks,” Fury said quietly from the other side of the fire, subdued for once. “Wouldn’t even be alive now if…”

Banner shook his head. “It wasn’t exactly a choice I made. It just kind of happened. Thank the… the other guy.”

Fury gazed at him. Somehow his eye patch had stayed on. Banner wondered if it was glued to his head and shook the thought away. “Hopefully I won’t get the chance to thank him,” Fury said.

The two sat in silence for a while. “Do you think anyone else made it out?” Banner asked quietly.

Fury leaned forward, his hands on his knees as he stared at the fire. “We can hope.”

Thor and Steve both stared blankly at the small fire Steve had managed to build. Sometimes people made him feel stupid, but at least he was smart enough to know how to build a fire. He still had a brain.

Thor interrupted the silence. “I do not wish to be a, uh, wet blanket? But what shall we do next?” Steve felt sorry for the Asgardian. All Thor’s attempts to call his hammer had failed. Steve didn’t know how it worked, but it sure wasn’t working now.

He sighed. “I’m not sure, exactly.” He looked up at the dark sky. “I guess we should just get some rest. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, and we’ll at least have to find our own food.”

Thor nodded and immediately curled up in the sand. He looked back up at Steve for a second. “Do you think anyone else made it?”

Steve sighed. “We can hope.”

The Asgardian lay his head down. Steve felt a connection with him. They were pretty similar, in a way. This was a different world for both of them, and they were both sort of soldiers.

Steve started to lay down when his super hearing caught the sound of a twig cracking in the forest nearby. He stiffened and gazed at the forest, his night vision struggling.

He hadn’t even considered that they might not be alone.

Steve stood up, advancing towards the forest. He really, really wished he had his shield now. “Who’s there?” he demanded.

There was a chilling, bone-tingling laugh. So familiar. Steve fell towards a nearby tree, gripping it as his knees began to feel weak. In the darkness, the memories seemed almost real. There was a sneer in the voice.

“Long time, no see, Captain Rogers.”

He barely had time to register the words before he blacked out.

Mwa-ha, I am so cruel! Guess we’ll find out what happens next week… or the week after, who knows. Just FYI, we’ll find out later why Thor can’t call his hammer. (And yes, before you ask, I already have a reason. 😛 ) Any guesses on who this mysterious person is? It’s not any of the Avengers or Loki. Just so you know.

58 thoughts on “Avengers’ Isle: Long Time No See

  1. Stay positive . . . stay positive . . . at least we have a confirmation that everyone is alive. Well, we don’t have a confirmation on Hawkeye, but from what you’ve said I’m guessing he is.
    As for who the new person is . . . I have no clue.


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