Do You Want To Write A Novel?

At the request of erinkenobi2893, I’m posting my version of Do You Want to Build A Snowman. Beware, I made this on the spur of the moment. 😉 

Do You Want to Write A Novel

Do you want to write a novel?

Come on let’s get to work.

Grab a pencil and some paper too,

We’ve got a lot to do,

So le-et’s start—


You’ve got to write a lo-ot,

Fifty thousand words,

So keep an eye on your word coun-ter—


Do you want to write a novel?

It doesn’t have to be a romance.

Or it might.


Do you want to write a novel?

You might not become rich.

But you’ll have a lot of fun,

And when you’re done,

You’ll feel overjoyed—


There could be a knight,

Or a ni-in-ja,

Or even a samurai—



Please, I know you want to.

It may seem hard at first,

But after a while,

You’ll get the hang of it,

I know you will,

So why not try?

You’ve got something to sa-ay,

It’s worth share-ing,

So please won’t you give it a try—


Do you want to write a novel?

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