Interviews From the Writer’s Desk – Ellis Reckle

Ellis is another one of the five main characters from my Teen Warrior series (in progress), the same series Haven and Iris are in. He’s quite a boring character, but that’s one of the things that make his story special. Please note that all characters are subject to change. I hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think in the comments.

“Benedict,” I call over my intercom. “Is Ellis Reckle here for his interview yet?”

“Yes, I’m sending him in.”

I pull over my laptop and open up a new document. After my last interview, I thought it would be a good idea to use my computer for note taking instead of pen and paper. I’m getting tired of blisters.

A young teenage boy steps in. He’s pretty plain looking, with dusty brown hair and medium gray eyes. He looks like he’s around five and a half feet tall, but the short description Iris sent me said that he’s 5.563 feet tall. Haven and Iris warned me that he likes to be precise. He looks like the average geek: skinny, pale, and quiet. Although, from what I’ve heard, he’s a pretty special geek. Boring, but special.

“Hi,” I greet him, smiling. “Have a seat. We’ll start off with an easy question, and then we’ll get to some harder ones. I assume Haven and Iris have already told you a little about what to expect.”

He nods. “They told me in deep detail.”

I grin. “Well, then you’re probably well prepared. First off, what is your name and age?”

“Ellis Reckle. I’m sixteen, the youngest in our group.”

“Can you tell me about your family?”

“I live with my dad in our cottage a little ways inside the city limits. He’s the one I inherited my brain and technological fascination from. My mom and my only brother died when I was eight, so it’s just me and my dad now.”

“Tell me about your Gift and its limitations,” I ask.

“Well, my Gift isn’t exactly anything too special,” he tells m. “Basically, I’m just really good with technology, and I have a photographic memory.”

I’m starting a new page in my document. “How would you honestly describe your personality?”

“Quiet and nerdy,” he states. “I’m not necessarily shy, just quiet. I like to think instead of talk. Sometimes it makes people think I’m rude, but I’m just quiet. If someone’s loyal to me, I’m loyal to them. I’m not easily angered. But, all in all, I’ve got a pretty dull personality.”

I blink, surprised. “Is that all?”

Ellis shrugs. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“What are some of your faults or bad characteristics?”

“I’m a total chicken. Bravery is certainly not one of the characteristic I possess. I’m boring, plain, and dull. My brain tends to get me in trouble, and I’m pretty much a bully magnet. There are plenty more, but, hey, I’m sure you have plenty more questions.” He grins.

I laugh. “You’re right. What are some of your strengths and good points?”

“Well, I’m smart, loyal, and trusting, I can fix virtually anything, and I’m good at planning things. I have a heart for doing good, and I’m a quick thinker. I’m cool and collected, too. Most of the time,” he finishes.

This may be my shortest interview yet. “Last question. What is the Name the King gave you?” I ask.

“I’m the inventor,” Ellis announces.

I nod, typing the last few words into my document. “Thank you so much for coming, Ellis. It was a pleasure to meet you.”

Ellis grins. “It’s not often I hear that, and thank you.” He gives me one last smile before heading out the door.

11 thoughts on “Interviews From the Writer’s Desk – Ellis Reckle

  1. Ellis sounds like the sort everyone underestimates. I’d like to hear more about him. Geeks FTW! 😀 (Though he and I are different kinds of geeks . . . whatever.)


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